Ian Stewart Ice Rink Temporarily Closed

- University of Victoria

Ian Stewart Complex.
The Ian Stewart Complex.

Update Thursday, Feb. 1:  The Ian Stewart Complex ice rink re-opened as of 4 pm on Friday, Feb. 2, 2024.

The ice rink at Ian Stewart Complex (ISC) will be temporarily closed following a minor ammonia release that occurred on Jan. 13. The university is taking important steps to ensure the rink can safely re-open.

It will take time to determine the scope of repairs, undertake this work and restore the ice. UVic is following all applicable safety steps, including guidance from Technical Safety BC.

With safety as our highest priority, the rink will be closed for approximately two weeks.

We recognize this closure comes at an unfortunate time for the community, with the CARHA Pacific Cup tournament and Hockey Day in Canada this weekend. Many community and campus partners will be impacted and the university is working to alert community partners and to find alternative options, recognizing that unfortunately, ice time is at a premium in Greater Victoria. Impacted organizations will hear directly from the university staff about their booking.

The ammonia release occurred in the rink’s mechanical room on the morning of Jan. 13. Thankfully, the release was detected right away and no one was injured. We are very grateful for the quick thinking of Facilities Management staff who took this incident seriously and minimized the risk. Thanks also to the Saanich and Oak Bay Fire Departments for their fast response.

If you have questions about how this closure impacts you, please contact Michelle Peterson, Director of Operations, Athletics and Recreation.