New QES funding announced

imageUVic students and QES scholars Faaiza Vaikil (centre front) and Brigitte Larkin (centre back) are currently completing internships at the Malaysia Social Research Institute (MSRI) in Kuala Lumpur. Pictured here with colleagues and students from MSRI at a Gaelic football match.

CAPI is delighted to announce that Internship Program Manager Robyn Fila was successful in an application to secure 4 years of funding for CAPI's Queen Elizabeth Scholars Internship Program, one of only 6 projects to be funded nationwide.

From 2024-2027, the Academic Diplomacy in Practice (ADP) project will provide 25 UVic undergraduate students work and learning opportunities with CAPI's established partner organizations in Thailand and Malaysia. The next generation of QE Scholars will work on education and leadership training programs, community initiatives, and social and economic development projects with the Karenni Social Development Centre and the Malaysia Social Research Institute, who work with refugee and undocumented youth, and DAP Service Centre and Pacos Trust who work with community and Indigenous communities in Borneo.

The QES program is led by the Rideau Hall Foundation in collaboration with Universities Canada and with founding support from Community Foundations of Canada.

Established in 2012, this scholarship has been awarded to more than 2,500 scholars from Canada and across the globe. Queen Elizabeth Scholars worldwide preserve and promote the enduring importance of cultural exchange, leadership and civic engagement. This new round of funding is enabling 47 Canadian universities to participate in the program through 112 impactful projects in 80 countries worldwide.

The 2024 winning project proposals will provide participants with work-integrated learning (e.g. internships, practicums), study and research experiences related to health, education and social and economic development. 

CAPI has benefitted from the support of the QES program since 2014, so far enabling 103 students and scholars to experience life changing internships in Asia and research opportunities in Canada. 

To learn more about CAPI QES internships visit the QES internship page

Public news release

To learn more about the QES program, visit:


The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES) is managed through a unique partnership of Universities Canada, the Rideau Hall Foundation, and Canadian universities. QES 2024 is made possible with financial support from Community Foundations of Canada in collaboration with Victor Dahdeleh.