Work With Us

We provide students, researchers, and community members interested in pursuing a career in Indigenous well-being and research with opportunities to gain valuable experience in Indigenous research. At the centre, we support the engagement of students, community members and researchers in all aspects of the research process, including publication authorship and conference presentations. There are a growing number of Indigenous researchers working at UVic across faculties and departments that are actively involved in creating programs to nurture and mentor the next generation of Indigenous researchers, especially the Indigenous faculty who are members of the centre. 

We strive to respectfully engage with Indigenous communities, researchers, health practitioners and policy-makers, while working to contribute to ongoing research and collaborative projects and event planning.

If you are interested in more information, please contact us. Drop-in visitors are always welcome!

Please subscribe here if you would like to receive our bi-weekly newsletter, which provides information about Indigenous–related opportunities, events and news.

Community Members

Our vision and mandate is to engage respectfully with Indigenous peoples in collaborative and research initiatives that aim to improve their health and wellbeing.

Over the course of our mandate, we aim to ensure that Indigenous communities:

  • Are respectfully consulted
  • Are provided ample opportunity to engage and contribute
  • Exude a stronger influence on research undertaken
  • Have greater research capacity and capacity to use research results to improve health

Through increasing research capacity and relevant, ethical, and culturally sensitive research we aim to support more Indigenous community and student researchers, respond effectively to the needs and priorities of Indigenous communities and organizations, and to facilitate awareness and better-informed decisions by policymakers and practitioners.

We have engaged communities through research, capacity building events such as our summer Learning Institute as well as specific workshops and events. If you or your community is interested in collaborating with us, feel free to contact us any time.



Are you an Indigenous student who needs help with:

  • Grant applications
  • Your thesis 
  • Connecting with other Indigenous students or faculty

Feel free to contact us anytime!



If you would like to support our work with Indigenous communities, supporting students, or for specific projects, you may make a tax-deductible donation.

Gifts may be a one-time donation, donations in kind, or a planned gift through a will. Donations can be made directly to the Centre or through UVic's Faculty of Human and Social Development donation page.

For more information, either contact us or the University of Victoria Development Office.


Are you participating in the Le,nonet program at UVic? Are you interested in Indigenous wellbeing or research?

For more information please visit UVic's Le,nonet page.


Are you looking to participate in a workstudy or co-op?

Check UVic workstudy for postings or contact us anytime!