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Animal orders

How to order your animals

Commercial suppliers 

1. The principal investigator (PI) emails the completed commercial order form.

2. The commercial order form must include:

  • FAST account
  • stock # and strain name
  • authorizing signature

3. Animal Care Services verifies:

  • PI has an approved/active animal use protocol (AUP)
  • species on the commercial order form matches the AUP

4. Animal Care Services places order with the commercial supplier.

5. Animal Care Services emails PI with confirmation of animal arrival date.

Non-commercial suppliers OR wild-caught sources

1. PI emails the completed non-commercial order form.

2. The non-commercial/wild-caught order form must include:

  • FAST account
  • authorizing signature (electronic version or signed/scanned form)

3. Animal Care Services verifies that:

  • the PI has an approved/active animal use protocol (AUP)
  • the species on the non-commercial order form matches the AUP

4. Animal Care Services contacts a non-commercial supplier to:

  • collect required health status documentation
  • verify the requirement of a material transfer agreement (MTA). If so, the ORS contracts liaison assists ACS in completing the process

5. The veterinary director:

  • approves animal health records
  • communicates quarantine and testing requirements

6. Animal Care Services:

  • reviews cost estimates for quarantine and testing with PI
  • once approved, the animal order gets placed with the non-commercial supplier
  • wild-caught animals get procured

7. Animal Care Services emails PI the expected arrival date of the animals.

Note: Animal orders, freight and delivery charges are invoiced by Animal Care Services to the FAST account provided by the PI.

Order forms

For mammalian animals:

For aquatic animals:

For invertebrate animals: 

Exporting animals

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