Electronics and Computer Systems


Supervisor: Nick Braam


System Manager: Rolf Seuster




Room: Elliott 022a

Electronics: 250-721-7714

Computer Systems: 250-721-7729

Hours of Service:
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Scope and Distribution of Work

Scope of Work: Electronics Shop
The Electronics Shop is a comprehensive electronics resource for the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The services provided are:
  • Designing, constructing, sourcing and maintaining electronic equipment for undergraduate department labs and department research activities.
  • Providing electronics consultation and instruction to department faculty, staff and students.
  • Maintaining an electronics component inventory relevant to needs of the department.
  • Providing the above services to other departments within the Sciences and the University at large.

Scope of Work: Computer Systems

  • Oversees and maintains computer systems used in undergraduate labs, as well as
    other systems used in the department. 
  • Provides support for installation and configuration
    of hard- and software used for research by faculty and graduate students, administration
    and staff.
  • Administration of the internal network to provide a fast, reliable and secure network.
Distribution of Work:
  • All electronics shop staff, as they are available, shall accommodate small jobs (less than one man-day) in a timely manner according to the scope set out above
  • New work of significant size (greater than one man-day) must be first discussed with the shop supervisor. The work will be evaluated, prioritized and assigned within the shop as deemed appropriate by the supervisor.
  • Jobs assigned to a shop staff member are the responsibility of that person and will be completed as required within a realistic period of time.
  • Job documentation, equipment records and invoices shall be completed and updated as required.

Priority of Work

The Physics and Astronomy Electronics Shop is an ‘in-house’ shop; therefore the normal priority and cost for processing work will be:
  1. Physics & Astronomy undergraduate labs: Labour and parts costs are not charged.
  2. Physics & Astronomy research activities: Labour is charged at $20/hour and parts costs are recovered.
  3. Faculty of Science undergraduate labs and research labs: Labour is charged at $20/hour and parts costs are recovered.
  4. Other departments/units of the University of Victoria: Labour is charged at $50/hour and parts costs are recovered.

Use of the Electronics Shop and Inventory

  • University facilities shall not be used for commercial activity.
  • Shop tools, equipment and inventory shall not be used or removed at any time by any person without prior approval of shop staff. Any person wishing to use the shop facilities must have the express permission of the shop supervisor.
  • Prior approval for removal of specific inventory (such as fuses/batteries) is given to Physics lab instructors for use in evening undergraduate labs. Shop parts removed in such a manner shall be recorded for inventory maintenance.
  • The Electronics Shop can assist in sourcing and ordering components which are not commonly stocked.

Shop Safety

  • No one shall work alone in the Electronics Shop while working on high voltage equipment (greater than 50V).
  • Persons in the shop shall wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
  • Appropriate precautions shall be taken while working with lasers.
  • Safety glasses shall be worn while working with rotary/reciprocating power tools.