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Academic concessions & accommodations

If your academic courses are affected by illness, accident or family affliction, you may wish to request an academic concession.

Are you a student with a learning disability, ADHD, mental health issue or long-term recurring physical or sensory disability? Do you have chronic health issues? If you do, UVic provides academic accommodations to address barriers to your education.

Academic concessions

Undergraduate students

Undergraduate students can request academic concessions if your course requirements are affected by unexpected and unavoidable circumstances, or conflicting responsibilities.

Graduate students

Graduate students must be continually registered with UVic. However, you can request a leave of absence for personal reasons or for medical, parental or compassionate reasons.

If you need more time to complete a course, talk to your instructor about an extension.

Medical documentation for absences

Documentation from a health care professional is not required for courses that took place during the following academic terms:

  • Spring, Summer and Fall 2020
  • Spring, Summer and Fall 2021
  • Spring and Summer 2022

This requirement was waived to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Academic accommodations

The Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) arranges for academic accommodations to help reduce barriers. They provide different ways of meeting essential course or program requirements. Fulfilling these requirements remains your responsibility.

Accommodation examples:

  • note takers
  • sign language interpreters
  • extensions of exam writing times
  • distraction-reduced exam environments
  • classes in accessible locations
  • adaptive technology

We need extra time to put some services in place. The services that need extra time include:

  • course materials in an alternative format
  • sign language interpreting or transcribing
  • adaptations to a physical learning environment


Before you submit an appeal, you may wish to consult the ombudsperson for guidance.

Undergraduate students

    • Depending on the nature of your concern, the order in which you should normally try to resolve the matter is:
      1. the course instructor
      2. the Chair of the department
      3. the Dean of the faculty
      4. the Senate.
    • If you're seeking a formal review of an assigned grade, you should also consult the regulations in the academic calendar regarding review of an assigned grade.

Graduate students

Contact the ombudsperson

The Ombudsperson office is an independent, impartial and confidential resource to help undergraduate and graduate students resolve problems or disputes fairly. You can contact the ombudsperson at any time to:

  • understand your options, rights and responsibilities
  • receive coaching on how to raise an issue or complaint
  • facilitate communication or solve problems
  • get assistance in the use of appeal procedures
  • investigate and make recommendations