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Meet Meghan Thompson

Meghan Thompson, Student Recruitment Officer

United States of America

I work with high school and transfer students from the United States of America.

Quick facts

St. Albert, Alberta
Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Professional Writing, University of Victoria
Random factoid
I’ve visited 24 countries, and that's just the beginning. I love to travel, so the list is only going to continue to grow!

About Meghan

I became a UVic student for a change of scenery and to start a new chapter in my life. The campus is just the right size for me--I didn't feel overwhelmed, but still had plenty of options to explore my interests. Victoria's ocean views, snowless winters and great climate also didn't hurt.

My time as a UVic student inspired who I am today. I built my community, explored my passions and grew into the unique person I am now.

My advice to future university students

You don't have to know what you want to study when you graduate from high school. If you're certain that you want to study microbiology and become a surgeon, that's great! But if you're not ready to make such a big decision, that's okay too. You've got lots of time to get it right.


Let's talk!

I'm here to answer any questions you have about UVic. We can connect over email, talk over Zoom, or meet in person if you're planning a visit to our campus.

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