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Special Access – First Nations, Metis and Inuit

The Special Access – First Nations, Metis and Inuit admission category is for Aboriginal people of Canada who do not quality for admission through the general process.

After applying for general admission to UVic, you can submit an appeal. We'll consider how both your educational history and your non-educational achievements indicate an ability to succeed at university.

How to apply

  1. Apply for general admission to UVic.
  2. If your initial application is denied, contact your admission assistant to discuss your candidacy and learn how to submit an appeal.

Your admission assistant will provide instructions on preparing an appeal package that includes:

  • a personal letter outlining your academic objectives
  • two reference forms from persons specifically able to assess your potential for academic success
    • If possible, one reference should be from a recognized Aboriginal organization
    • References from relatives will not be accepted.

Need help?

Before you apply: If you have a general question about the application process or studying at UVic, contact your UVic recruiter.

After you apply: If you have a specific question about your application to UVic, contact your assigned admission assistant.