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Joint Faculty Mentorship program


text reads UVIC Faculty mentor Program and there is an image of a red martlet reaching out to help a blue martlet up the stairs

The Joint Faculty Mentorship Committee (JMC), a joint Faculty Association and Vice-President Academic office committee, works to ensure faculty at early and mid-career stages are supported in the successful achievement of their next career stage. 


This program is intended to support and encourage assistant professors and assistant teaching professors as they work towards reappointment, continuing appointment, tenure and promotion to associate, as well as associate professors and associate teaching professors as they work towards promotion to professor or teaching professor.  

Program details

 The mentorship program has two components:   

  1. Faculty Mentor Advisors (FMA) who provide individualized support.   
  2. Annual workshops on topics to support building a strong academic record and help prepare you for the consideration process. 

Faculty Mentor Advisors

 Learn more about our Faculty Mentor Advisors:

Indigenous Faculty Mentor

Dr. Jeff Ganohalidoh Corntassel

is available to support Indigenous faculty members.

BPOC Faculty Mentor

Dr. Adam Con (簡仁翰)

is available to support faculty members who identify as Black or as Persons of Colour (BPOC)

Research Stream Faculty Mentor

Dr. Amy Verdun

is available to support Research Stream Faculty Members in the faculties of:
  • Business,
  • Education,
  • Humanities,
  • Human and Social Development,
  • Law,
  • Social Science.
Research Stream Faculty Mentor

Dr. George Tzanetakis

is available to support Research Stream Faculty Members in the faculties of:

  • Engineering and Computer Science,
  • Science 
  • Division of Medical Science
  • Fine Arts


Teaching Stream Faculty Mentor

Dr. Maureen M. Ryan (she, her, hers)

is available to support Teaching Stream Faculty Members.


Faculty Mentor Profiles

2023-24 Faculty Mentor profiles

 Access the link below to learn more information about each of the Faculty Mentor Advisors, their career experiences, research and teaching interests, and specific areas of support. 

 Contact Faculty Mentor Advisors for one-on-one confidential advice on: 

  • how to plan your research trajectory (for research stream faculty) or scholarly activity (for teaching stream faculty). 
  • how to focus your limited time to best position you towards promotion. 
  • strengthening your teaching and teaching-related activities. 
  • discussing and addressing any barriers you may face to promotion. 
  • putting together dossier materials for your reappointment, continuing status or promotion process.  


Workshops are offered annually to meet the needs of faculty. You can expect to receive promotional flyers with details of the intended audience, learning outcomes, and delivery mode, along with registration information, well in advance of the scheduled workshop. 

The following workshops and events are planned for 2023-2024:

    • Fireside Chat: Meet Your Mentors and discuss themes of academic life (December)
    • Service/Community-Informed Academic Work: a discussion-based session for BPOC and Indigenous faculty members (February)
    • Preparing for the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Process – Research/Teaching (March)
    • Exploring the Dimensions of Teaching Effectiveness: Beyond the prescriptive dossier (April)

Look for communication flyers with upcoming workshop descriptions, learning outcomes, and registration information.

Online Learning

Building Your Academic Record With Intention

Online Course Description:

This online course will explore how to manage your time, focus and commitments to ensure capacity to build your academic record towards successful tenure and promotion.

Topics discussed include: 

  • Allocating efforts toward Research, Teaching and Service appropriately.  
  • Evaluating the relative value of tasks in order to focus your time and energy. 
  • When and how to say ‘no’ 
  • Tools and strategies to balance your responsibilities and ensure a clear, synergistic, teaching/research trajectory that will get results 
  • Making connections: networking events and resources (conferences etc.), gathering feedback (internally and externally) 

This session from 2021/22 was not recorded, but the slides were made available. 

Indigenous Scholars Preparing for Tenure, Promotion, Continuing Appointment Processes


For more information, or questions, please contact VPAC Training Manager.