Tuscaloosa teen earns 3 degrees in 2 years

A 17-year-old girl will graduate from the University of Alabama with her master’s degree. Source: WBRC
Published: May. 3, 2024 at 6:19 PM CDT
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TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (WBRC) - A huge milestone for a teenager in Tuscaloosa. LeAnna Roberts is ONLY 17-years old and will graduate Saturday from the University of Alabama with her Master’s degree. That’s right! You heard that correctly. Roberts had no secret method, no silver bullet. Roberts says she decided long ago that she wanted to do well in academics and credits her parents.

Roberts stood in front of Bryant-Denny Stadium Friday, and it dawned on her on what Saturday will bring; a realization she’s accomplished so much in just two years.

“I would say I am surprised. Looking back four years ago when I was in high school, I would have never imagined, never saw this in the cards myself,” said Roberts.

The cards fell in her favor. Roberts graduated from Central High School in Tuscaloosa at 15-years-old, and on that very same day, she earned an Associate’s degree in science from Shelton State Community College.

“When I started my 9th grade year, I knew I wanted a challenge and I began to take dual enrollment courses at Shelton State Community College.”

And that’s not all. Roberts entered UA as a junior and earned her undergraduate degree in biology at 16-years old. On Saturday, Roberts will walk on stage to receive yet another degree.

“A Master’s in Business Administration with a Healthcare Management concentration,” Roberts said. “From an early age my parents really poured into to me. I always had a love for reading, learning, science. I was a very inquisitive child,” said Roberts.

Roberts did admit when she enrolled at Alabama that she found the learning more challenging, but overcame it by simply driving through it head first.

“That was really the first thing I had to buckle down, re-evaluate, and learn different study habits and ultimately ended up very well,” Roberts said.

Did it ever! Six cords signifying a well-rounded person on her academic journey.

“Another one for the MBA society,” said Roberts.

And now, the learning won’t stop. Roberts will continue her schooling in June with another Master’s to conquer at UAB. Through it all, Roberts says she never lost sight of one thing, and that one thing really isn’t a secret to turning the page to greatness.

“Find out what keeps you going and chase after that. We all different gifts and talents,” said Roberts.

LeAnna Roberts has it all mapped out. She plans to graduate with that second Master’s in 2025 and then it’s on to medical school.

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