Wolfram U

Calendar of Upcoming Events

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34 results


Daily Study Group: Introduction to Machine Learning

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Join us to explore the first six chapters of Etienne Bernard's book, Introduction to Machine Learning. We'll delve into core concepts, coding examples, and practical applications. Participants are encouraged to read the book chapters before coming to each daily session. Led by a Wolfram U instructor, this group is perfect for beginners and those looking to refresh their understanding of machine learning. A certificate of program completion will be awarded to participants who attend online sessions and pass the quiz. Sign up and start your machine learning journey today.

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La science des données, c'est plus que des statistiques

French | Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

La science des données a tendance à se concentrer sur l'application de techniques statistiques traditionnelles de manière plus automatisée. Dans cette présentation, nous explorerons comment cette automatisation peut être utilisée pour appliquer des calculs beaucoup plus sophistiqués aux données afin d'obtenir des informations plus approfondies et d'en tirer une plus grande valeur. Les techniques de calcul développées à l'origine pour la science et l'ingénierie peuvent souvent être appliquées, de manière parfois surprenante, aux applications de données. Au cours de cette présentation, vous verrez comment appliquer facilement des techniques modernes de science des données, de l'apprentissage automatique au traitement des images et des signaux, afin d'obtenir des informations plus agiles à partir de vos données.

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Creating Custom AI Chat Personas

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

This webinar will show you how to use Wolfram Chat Notebook technology to quickly create specialized chat environments for any purpose. Custom personas allow you to configure the personality, goals, special skills and safety guardrails for your chatbot.

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Data Visualization with Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

With the use of a curated dataset from the Wolfram Data Repository, this course shows how to quickly visualize different data structures and how to make your graphics ready to publish and share. Domain-specific functions as well as general techniques are shared for getting the most out of your graphics. The course is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about data visualization using Wolfram Language.

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LLM Agents for Modeling Group Dynamics

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

This Wolfram U colloquium explores how researchers are using large language models (LLMs) to simulate group dynamics. The event will delve into building and analyzing LLM-powered agents that mimic human behavior in various group settings, from educational environments to international relations. Additionally, it will cover general frameworks for creating these agents, all compatible with Wolfram Notebooks.

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Advancing Calculus Research and Teaching with Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

This presentation showcases Wolfram Language as a unified solution for calculus research and teaching. At the end of the session, you'll have the opportunity to ask our experts about the specific functions and features that interest you.

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Handling Uncertainties and Calibrating System Modeler Models with Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

In this Wolfram System Modeler webinar, the recently added functionality to calibrate, validate and visualize uncertainty in system models will be presented. You will learn to calibrate parameter values to match simulation results with real-world data and to visualize the uncertainty of key outputs resulting from uncertainty in parameters, initial values or inputs. Examples such as a Hohmann transfer orbit, calibration of rates in a chemical reaction and a simplified loudspeaker are explored.

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Réseaux et graphes dans Wolfram Language

French | Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir les graphes et les réseaux dans Wolfram Language. Cette présentation montrera comment construire un objet Graphe à partir de zéro ou de sources de données prédéfinies. En utilisant la représentation unique de Wolfram Language pour les données, la structure et la signification, nous vous montrerons comment obtenir des analyses complexes à partir de n'importe quelle structure de graphe arbitraire et comment personnaliser facilement les visualisations des graphes en fonction des besoins individuels de l'utilisateur. Nous vous montrerons également comment utiliser la fonctionnalité dynamique pour ajouter un nouveau niveau d'interactivité à vos visualisations. Ce webinaire est idéal pour toute personne s'intéressant à Wolfram et cherchant à apprendre un aspect polyvalent du langage.

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Computational Xplorations

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Join this free introductory course to discover how to interactively explore nearly any field using computation. See how computational thinking—a modern blend of critical analysis and information processing—is being applied to a range of disciplines not traditionally associated with coding. From nutrition to literature, you'll learn practical ways to use knowledge-based programming in your classroom, research project or company. This class introduces innovative methods for discovering ideas and insights using the computational intelligence of Wolfram Language, the user-friendly coding environment of Wolfram Notebooks and the curated real-world knowledge of the Wolfram Knowledgebase.

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Getting Started with AI: A Beginner's Guide to Automated Classification, Predictions and Computer Vision

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

This webinar explains the basics of supervised and unsupervised machine learning in Wolfram Language using illustrative examples in a range of subjects.

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JUN 24–
JUL 12

Daily Study Group: Introduction to Electric Circuits

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Explore the fundamentals of electric circuits using Wolfram Language and System Modeler. User-friendly diagrams, visualizations and models help to demonstrate, in an intuitive way, how electric circuits behave. Study Group topics include circuit components, theoretical concepts, analysis methods, and analysis and design of circuits using operational amplifiers.

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Combiner Wolfram Language et R

French | Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Attendance

Ce webinaire explorera les manières d’utiliser Wolfram Language et R ensemble dans un flux de travail intégré. Nous nous concentrons sur RLink, une fonctionnalité intégrée de Wolfram Mathematica qui permet d’exécuter le code R à partir de l’environnement natif de Mathematica et de transférer des données de manière transparente entre les deux langages. Nous montrerons également les fonctions de base de haut niveau de RLink. Le webinaire explorera des exemples réels de flux de travail combinant à la fois Wolfram Language et les fonctionnalités de R. Ce webinaire intéressera particulièrement les utilisateurs des deux langages, quelque que soit leur niveau d’expertise, puisque RLink leur permet de s’appuyer sur la connaissance de leur langage préféré pour effectuer des opérations communes tout en utilisant les avantages de l’autre langage. Les utilisateurs expérimentés dans les deux langages peuvent bénéficier de l'utilisation de RLink pour appeler les deux langages à partir du même environnement.

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Quick Start to Wolfram Tech

Korean | Online | 275,000.00 (KRW)

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces core technologies for getting started quickly with the Wolfram technology stack. Learn to work with Wolfram Notebooks in the cloud as well as on your desktop and familiarize yourself with the syntax and programming fundamentals of Wolfram Language. Limited registration and small class sizes allow for interaction with your Wolfram certified instructor. No prior experience with Wolfram Language is required. Certificate of course completion available.

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Wolfram Language Programming Fundamentals

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

This course teaches the fundamental concepts of programming in Wolfram Language. It features concise lecture sections, lesson notebooks with self-check exercises for further study and tips for writing Wolfram Language code. A Wolfram certified instructor guides the class session and presents interactive polls to enhance understanding. This course provides a solid introduction to anyone who wants to develop an understanding of programming in Wolfram Language from the ground up.

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Practical Programming with Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides the knowledge, tools and guidance to efficiently create and maintain Wolfram Language projects. Build on your existing programming skills with a quick review of basic syntax and then develop a deeper understanding of patterns, interactive interfaces and cloud deployment. Learn about coding best practices, including error handling and the use of IDEs. This course is designed for Wolfram Language users who are ready to move beyond the fundamentals and create their own programs and interfaces.

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Introduction to Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of machine learning as well as easy-to-use machine learning superfunctions available in Wolfram Language. You will learn how to perform supervised and unsupervised learning tasks with just a few lines of code. We will start with examples of different types of machine learning and then move on to more details on performing machine learning with labeled and unlabeled data. Examples demonstrate regression, classification, clustering and anomaly detection. Basic familiarity with Wolfram Language or introductory-level skill in any programming language is recommended.

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Programming and Development in Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

Learn about advanced programming and development concepts in Wolfram Language. Dive deeper into the fundamentals of expression syntax and function definition. Explore more complex ideas like upvalues, attributes, manual scoping and package creation. This course is the third and final part of the programming proficiency course sequence, following Programming Fundamentals and Practical Programming. This course is designed for users who want to take the next step toward mastery in Wolfram Language programming.

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Introduction to Neural Networks in Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides an introduction to the state-of-the-art Neural Net Framework in Wolfram Language. You will learn how to explore the Wolfram Neural Net Repository for pre-built and pre-trained models and how to apply them to your own dataset. Also see how you can use transfer learning to adapt models for your own applications. The course will then discuss the building blocks of neural nets, along with instructions for putting them together within a symbolic framework to build your own neural network. Simple examples of training and testing a neural network will be discussed, along with options to inspect output from hidden layers of the net.

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Wolfram Language Programming Fundamentals

Korean | Seoul, Korea | 495,000.00 (KRW)

Certification Levels: Completion

This course teaches the fundamental concepts of programming in Wolfram Language. It features concise lecture sections, lesson notebooks with self-check exercises for further study and tips for writing Wolfram Language code. A Wolfram certified instructor guides the class session and presents interactive polls to enhance understanding. This course provides a solid introduction to anyone who wants to develop an understanding of programming in Wolfram Language from the ground up.

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Computational Xplorations

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Join this free introductory course to discover how to interactively explore nearly any field using computation. See how computational thinking—a modern blend of critical analysis and information processing—is being applied to a range of disciplines not traditionally associated with coding. From nutrition to literature, you'll learn practical ways to use knowledge-based programming in your classroom, research project or company. This class introduces innovative methods for discovering ideas and insights using the computational intelligence of Wolfram Language, the user-friendly coding environment of Wolfram Notebooks and the curated real-world knowledge of the Wolfram Knowledgebase.

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JUL 29–

Daily Study Group: Getting Started with Mathematica and Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Learn to use Mathematica and the programming language at its core—Wolfram Language. Start with basic explorations to get familiar with the syntax and then learn to use Wolfram GPT as a guide for writing snippets of code. Find your way through the documentation on 6000+ built-in functions and learn to use them for a range of programming tasks. You will learn to write your own functions, create visualizations, add interactivity and utilize the notebook interface to both create and present your analysis. No prior programming knowledge is required, and even seasoned users will pick up a useful trick or two.

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Wolfram Data Science Boot Camp

Online | See Cost & Registration

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

Learn how to leverage the capabilities of Wolfram Language to deliver world-class data science results in this two-week online boot camp. Interact with experts on machine learning, generative AI, dynamic visualization, automated reporting and notebook-based interactive workflows.

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Practical Programming with Wolfram Language

Korean | Seoul, Korea | 495,000.00 (KRW)

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides the knowledge, tools and guidance to efficiently create and maintain Wolfram Language projects. Build on your existing programming skills with a quick review of basic syntax and then develop a deeper understanding of patterns, interactive interfaces and cloud deployment. Learn about coding best practices, including error handling and the use of IDEs. This course is designed for Wolfram Language users who are ready to move beyond the fundamentals and create their own programs and interfaces.

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Computational Xplorations

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Join this free introductory course to discover how to interactively explore nearly any field using computation. See how computational thinking—a modern blend of critical analysis and information processing—is being applied to a range of disciplines not traditionally associated with coding. From nutrition to literature, you'll learn practical ways to use knowledge-based programming in your classroom, research project or company. This class introduces innovative methods for discovering ideas and insights using the computational intelligence of Wolfram Language, the user-friendly coding environment of Wolfram Notebooks and the curated real-world knowledge of the Wolfram Knowledgebase.

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Quick Start to Wolfram Tech

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces core technologies for getting started quickly with the Wolfram technology stack. Learn to work with Wolfram Notebooks in the cloud as well as on your desktop and familiarize yourself with the syntax and programming fundamentals of Wolfram Language. This course provides comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor. No prior experience with Wolfram Language is required. A certificate of course completion is available.

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Wolfram Notebooks: Building and Sharing Technical Workflows

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

In this course you will learn how to create Wolfram Notebooks, interactive and powerful computational documents. This course shows how you can combine Wolfram Language with the notebook interface to express your ideas and develop technical workflows for data science, modeling, research, education and more. Discover how to build rich computational essays and presentations and publish to the cloud. No experience with Mathematica or Wolfram Language is required.

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Introduction to Machine Learning in Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces some of the basic concepts of machine learning as well as easy-to-use machine learning superfunctions available in Wolfram Language. You will learn how to perform supervised and unsupervised learning tasks with just a few lines of code. We will start with examples of different types of machine learning and then move on to more details on performing machine learning with labeled and unlabeled data. Examples demonstrate regression, classification, clustering and anomaly detection. Basic familiarity with Wolfram Language or introductory-level skill in any programming language is recommended.

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Notebooks as Instructional Tools

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course explores the versatility of Wolfram Notebooks for teaching and learning. See how you can use notebooks to learn to code and work with and transfer data, as well as create interactive content to use in instructional environments. Through examples, the instructor will show you how to get started teaching basic science, mathematics and algorithms with computational notebooks. This is a course for beginners; no prior experience with Wolfram technology is required.

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Introduction to Neural Networks in Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides an introduction to the state-of-the-art Neural Net Framework in Wolfram Language. You will learn how to explore the Wolfram Neural Net Repository for pre-built and pre-trained models and how to apply them to your own dataset. Also see how you can use transfer learning to adapt models for your own applications. The course will then discuss the building blocks of neural nets, along with instructions for putting them together within a symbolic framework to build your own neural network. Simple examples of training and testing a neural network will be discussed, along with options to inspect output from hidden layers of the net.

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Wolfram Tools for LLMs

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

Learn how to unlock the power of LLMs for your computational tasks. This course will show you different ways you can use LLM technology alongside Wolfram Language, including how to use the conversational interface of Chat Notebooks and the programmatic operations possible with LLM functions.

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Quick Start to Wolfram Tech

Korean | Online | 275,000.00 (KRW)

Certification Levels: Completion

This course introduces core technologies for getting started quickly with the Wolfram technology stack. Learn to work with Wolfram Notebooks in the cloud as well as on your desktop and familiarize yourself with the syntax and programming fundamentals of Wolfram Language. Limited registration and small class sizes allow for interaction with your Wolfram certified instructor. No prior experience with Wolfram Language is required. Certificate of course completion available.

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Wolfram Language Programming Fundamentals

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1

This course teaches the fundamental concepts of programming in Wolfram Language. It features concise lecture sections, lesson notebooks with self-check exercises for further study and tips for writing Wolfram Language code. A Wolfram certified instructor guides the class session and presents interactive polls to enhance understanding. This course provides a solid introduction to anyone who wants to develop an understanding of programming in Wolfram Language from the ground up.

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Practical Programming with Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: Completion

This course provides the knowledge, tools and guidance to efficiently create and maintain Wolfram Language projects. Build on your existing programming skills with a quick review of basic syntax and then develop a deeper understanding of patterns, interactive interfaces and cloud deployment. Learn about coding best practices, including error handling and the use of IDEs. This course is designed for Wolfram Language users who are ready to move beyond the fundamentals and create their own programs and interfaces.

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Programming and Development in Wolfram Language

Online | FREE

Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

Learn about advanced programming and development concepts in Wolfram Language. Dive deeper into the fundamentals of expression syntax and function definition. Explore more complex ideas like upvalues, attributes, manual scoping and package creation. This course is the third and final part of the programming proficiency course sequence, following Programming Fundamentals and Practical Programming. This course is designed for users who want to take the next step toward mastery in Wolfram Language programming.

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