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linux distros

49 2023-12-01 10:33

I think Ubuntu flavors are great for inexperienced users of GNU/Linux but I really hate Snap package manager.

It has all flaws of Flatpak (like using more disk space and RAM vs traditional package manager) but the SnapCraft repo is also 100% controlled by Canonical Ltd. and there is no way to make your own repo which sucks. At least with Flatpak you can make your own repo if you want to (even if in practice everyone uses Flathub). Also, I wish there was way to disallow installation of proprietary software packages on Snap/Flatpak config (bonus points if you can make exceptions on per package basis like on Gentoo/Portage). I don't think there is way to disallow installation of Snap/Flatpak packages from unverified accounts either.



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