[ prog / sol / mona ]


irc bot

1 2018-10-31 07:22


(load-option 'regular-expression)
(load-option 'format)

(define HOSTNAME "irc.rizon.net")
(define PORT 6667)
(define NICKNAME "schemebot")
(define CHAN "#x86")
(define riders (make-string-hash-table))

(define io
  (open-tcp-stream-socket HOSTNAME PORT))

(define (rwloop)
  (let ((line (read-line io)))
    (if (eof-object? line)
      (process line)))

(define (disconnect)
  (display "Lost connection.  Attempting to re-establish...");
  (exit)) ; todo: recovery from losing connection

(define (process line)
  (let ((r (re-string-match "^PING \\(.*\\)" line)))
    (and r
      (pong (re-match-extract line r 1))))
  (let ((r (re-string-match "^:\\([^!]+\\)!\\([^ ]+\\) PRIVMSG \\([^ ]+\\) :\\(.+\\)" line)))
    (and r
      (handle-message (re-match-extract line r 1)
        (re-match-extract line r 2)
        (re-match-extract line r 3)
        (re-match-extract line r 4)))))

(define (out string)
  (write-string string io)
  (flush-output io))

(define (pong host)
  (out (format #f "PONG ~A~%" host)))

(define (user name mode realname)
  (out (format #f "USER ~A-2 ~A * :~A-2~%" name mode realname)))

(define (nick name)
  (out (format #f "NICK ~A~%" name)))

(define (join channel)
  (out (format #f "JOIN ~A~%" channel)))

(define (privmsg dest text)
  (out (format #f "PRIVMSG ~A :~A~%" dest text)))

(define (handle-message name host channel message)
  (if (char=? (string-ref message 0) #\!) (handle-command name host channel message) (handle-text name host channel message)))

(define (handle-text name host channel message)
        (hash-table/get riders name 0))
    (privmsg channel "YOU ARE RIDING TOO FAST!  SLOW DOWN!"))
  (hash-table/put! riders name (real-time-clock)))

(define (startgame channel name)
  (privmsg channel "TODO: A DRAGON EATS YOU"))

(define (roll channel name)
  (privmsg channel "TODO: A DRAGON EATS YOU"))

(define (handle-command name host channel message)
  (define index (string-length message))
  (letrec ((crawler (lambda (i)
      (if (char=? (string-ref message i) #\space)
        (set! index i)
        (if (> (string-length message) (+ i 1)) (crawler (+ i 1)))))))
    (crawler 0))
  (define command (substring message 0 index))
  (define raw (if (< (string-length command) (string-length message)) (substring message (+ 1 (string-length command)) (string-length message)) '()))
;  (if (string=? command "!play") (startgame channel name))
;  (if (string=? command "!roll") (roll channel name))
  (if (string=? command "!eval") (if (string=? host "~Sl@ck.ware") (if (string=? name "slacky") (eval (read (open-input-string raw)) user-initial-environment))))

(join CHAN)

2 2018-11-03 01:47

im wondering what the text limit is

3 2018-11-03 01:49

4096 bytes for now.

When you see what they can do with those 4K demos, it should be enough for any snippet of code.

It will eventually be raised, after some optimizations. It's not much for a textboard.

4 2020-02-20 22:59

Wow, that looks great. I merged your changes with what I was playing
with, and this will test if it worked out.

Also, does the ornamentum change?

5 2020-02-20 23:04

That's great! I merged it with what I was working on, so this is
testing that.

Also, are you sure the ornamentum won't change?

6 2020-02-21 07:56 *


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