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The story of the Puldin computer

1 2020-05-27 01:41


One of the main objectives of Puldin was full compatibility with IBM-PC. At the time IBM had been releasing extensive documentation about how their software and hardware works which has been used by Puldin's creators as their software specs. Despite IBM-PC using faster CPU the Puldin 601 had a comparable performance due to aggressive software and compiler optimizations.

The guy who wrote the Assembler BIOS and Basic ROM for Puldin – Todor Todorov became more famous with his virus works instead of what he did for Puldin


[...] in 1991, an international epidemic was diagnosed. One-hundred sixty documented Bulgarian viruses existed in the wild, and an estimated 10 percent of all infections in the United States came from Bulgaria, most commonly from the Dark Avenger.

2 2020-06-01 17:45 *




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