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Which lisp dialect would Hitler use?

1 2020-06-03 03:04

Which lisp brings the most glory to the white race.

Also solidarity from /pol/, the white race will defeat the dumbfuck chimp rioters.

2 2020-06-03 06:28 *

Americans shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet.

3 2020-06-03 08:55 *

We don't want your kind here.

4 2020-06-03 09:00


Plankalkül is the only language that existed when Hitler was alive. It hardly qualifies as Lisp, having no recursion.

We can imagine that Hitler would use one of the Fluchtpunkt Lisp.


And what programming languages do /pol/tards use? PHP?

5 2020-06-03 10:21 *

/PoolOfLosers/ types are not welcome here. Get out.

6 2020-06-03 10:41 *

John McCarthy was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on September 4, 1927, to an Irish immigrant father and a Lithuanian Jewish immigrant mother

So obviously none, because it can't be good if Jews (who are obviously not white) were involved, right?

And an obligatory "this" to everyone but >>1 in the thread.

7 2020-06-03 12:53 *

Obviously Stalin, the brutally optimizing Scheme compiler.

8 2020-06-03 22:02


9 2020-06-04 18:56


10 2020-10-30 05:27

hitler did nothing wrong

11 2020-10-30 06:01 *

The SA destroyed all parentheses during Kristallnacht.

12 2020-10-30 06:06

(let (((them))) (burn))

13 2020-10-30 07:15 *
  (lambda (e) (ignore e) (cyanide))
  (lambda () (win-war-against-entire-world)))
14 2020-10-31 08:09 *

reminder that your "white race" have become obese walmart shoppers.



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