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Psd, the portable Scheme debugger

1 2020-06-06 03:35

It still works out of the box today, if you run it under SCM.


I got it working on Larceny and on JScheme by hacking on psd.el and the Scheme code a bit, it truly is *very* portable.

2 2020-06-06 05:20

I love to run 30-year-old portable Scheme code fetched from forgotten FTP servers. A few years ago, I was looking for an environment explorer that would generate SICP-style diagrams and I managed to find one. I have it on an old HD, I should look for it.

3 2020-06-06 13:01


I got it working on Larceny [...]

Sorry that this is off topic, but I was really having trouble getting Larceny to run at all, as documented by the underrated scheme thread. Would you mind telling me the version you are running and on what system (Linux x86 etc.)?

4 2020-06-06 13:50


I have been able to run Larceny 1.3 (the official released versions) on Windows and Linux. It requires 32 bit libs or ASM somewhere in its guts so new MacOS won’t run it anymore

I tried building it but it’s one of those wizards only bootstrap compilers

5 2020-06-06 15:22

Thank you. This is fascinating. I wonder what could possibly be going wrong for me.

6 2020-06-06 15:40

Does Geiser support this? Last time I played around in Geiser, I don't remember the debugging experience being that great.

7 2020-06-06 21:29

I think it'd be a great project to revive psd and integrate it with Geiser.



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