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LISP History

1 2020-06-08 18:57

Sorry for making a thread but I don't know where to post this. It's an archive of all Lisp mailing lists. So if you have any books or PDF about LISP history post in this thread.


2 2020-06-08 21:07

I was flipping through the Symbolics mailing list, you would occasionally see something interesting like, and some of the posts like the following and this thread in general: https://ml.cddddr.org/slug/msg00582.html but it's mostly very sad.

On history does anyone have any information on Daniel Friedman's higher division courses at Indiana University. I've been looking for information on “511” and “611” since they were mentioned a few times by his former students in their presentations for Dan's 60th birthday, but I can't seem to find any information about them online.

3 2020-06-08 21:34

I'm fairly certain that everyone knows of MIT's “The AI Memos”, but here's the archive in case anyone is looking for it, or not yet aware of it: https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/5460/browse?type=dateissued

4 2020-06-10 01:40

Download all the articles of Lisp pointers while they're still available.

5 2020-06-12 09:41

Thanks, that's a hell of a collection!. Norvig, Dybvig, Queinnec... they're all there. ACM will block your IP if you download too much or too fast. I had to use 3 but I almost got everything.
Vol. 5 #4 is unavailable and so is one article by Guy Steele

6 2020-06-13 00:28

I didn't have any issues with ACM blocking me, here's the archive as a gziped tar fil, it's just a flat directory with pdfs named by their DOI: http://0x0.st/iWzM.gz (118Mb)



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