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1 2018-11-03 23:09

A free, decentralized, global chatroom, powered by the IOTA tangle. Can your blockchain do this?

IOTA is a cryptocurrency that offers free transactions and fast confirmation times. ​ Using Chatangle actually improves IOTA confirmation times. Find out more at their website.

This app is naturally spam resistant and rate limited as each message requires Proof of Work to submit.


I have heard about this idea a lot in the past 5 years but all those projects were built on the premise that users will be ready to pay a fee to post something. (i.e doomed to fail)
Now that someone actually made something usable (posting takes only a few seconds on a modest netbook) no one seems to care.

2 2018-11-04 02:03

It's because iota is broken to the core. The inbred devs though "ternary math with custom cryptography even though nobody is even remotely familiar with crypto" made sense, just to name an easy two.

3 2024-01-09 19:29 *

blockchain stuff is usually pretty dumb



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