[ prog / sol / mona ]


Summer challenge ``el ajedrecista''

1 2021-07-21 00:21

El Ajedrecista (English: The Chess Player) is an automaton built in 1912 by Leonardo Torres y Quevedo, one of the first autonomous machines capable of playing chess. As opposed to the human-operated The Turk and Ajeeb, El Ajedrecista was a true automaton built to play chess without human guidance. It played an endgame with three chess pieces, automatically moving a white king and a rook to checkmate the black king moved by a human opponent.

The device could be considered the first computer game in history.


Leonard Torres build a machine able to play a K+R vs K endgame long before the transistor was invented. Can you build the same machine with your battery-included programming language? Bonus point if your program is able to deliver mate in the theoretical mimimum number of moves.

2 2021-07-21 13:34

This looks like a good description of the game:

3 2021-07-23 05:28

King and Queen vs King is much simpler. It's acceptable as an answer if you don't have time for K+R vs K.

4 2021-07-23 17:48

I looked up the rules of chess for SDF, before I gave up on it, it is a lot more complex than I remembered it.

5 2021-07-25 16:35

Do you know how to checkmate with a bishop and a knight in less than 50 moves? It's not that easy, try it.




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