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What version control system to use for Lisp code?

1 2021-09-10 04:19

What version control system is best for Lisp code? The Smalltalk community has Monticello. Is there anything special for Lisp?

2 2021-09-13 10:51

You could use the Revision Control System (RCS).


3 2021-09-13 13:16

I used RCS when I was 14. It's decent if you don't want to deal with git.

4 2021-09-13 16:59

Are you saying that RCS is for children?

5 2021-09-14 13:08

It's certainly simpler than git.

6 2021-09-14 15:37

Simpler?! Suppose I have project with two files: A.lisp and B.lisp. I use RCS for version control. Now, how do I delete B.lisp, while keeping its history in version control?

7 2021-09-14 23:16 *

Why are you deleting it then?

8 2021-09-15 00:22

Over the long life of a project, there will be times when some files are removed because they are no longer needed (e.g. after refactoring or major changes). Version control systems like Git make it easy to delete a file while preserving its history. This common task is apparently difficult in RCS. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1562291/how-to-delete-file-in-rcs

9 2021-09-15 23:31 *

Then the next step is CVS

10 2021-09-18 19:32

Looks like fossil is a thing now.

11 2021-09-18 22:05 *

Game of Trees ( https://gameoftrees.org/ ), and V ( https://web.archive.org/web/20200929162604/http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system ) also exist.

12 2021-09-19 03:59

Just don't check them out or distribute them.
RCS is more for 1-2 file projects anyway.

13 2021-10-28 11:09

Looks like textboard.org decided to use fossil. I'd like to know their reasons.

14 2021-10-28 11:47

fossil has been a thing for a long time already. I can attest it's pretty neat when all you want is version control your project and not instantly collaborate with random people from all over the world.

15 2021-10-28 15:45

why not just use Mercurial?

16 2021-10-28 17:32

Why Mercurial? Actual answers will probably vary from person to person and from use case to use case.

17 2021-11-04 00:31 *

What would you suggest to someone who cannot make their mind? I guess probably to do not use one.



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