[ prog / sol / mona ]


Your workflow setup

1 2021-09-24 05:09

What does your workflow look like? Currently migrating from vscode to vim.

The reason I use vscode was because I hate customizing stuff and don't care about the editor all that much. But I don't like the idea of using electron for the rest of my life, so I figure I'd go with vim instead.

Before that I tried emacs, to no avail (although I do enjoy knowing the keybindings for terminal navigation at least).
The endless customizability of emacs was impressive, but not for me. And the opinionated bundles i.e. doom or spacemacs seem too complex and have questionable shelf-life.
Emacs was cool, I give you that, and maybe I chose wrong by going with vim, but I just want good defaults. Maybe my thinking is flawed here, as I see the appeal of making your setup "yours". But I just worry about becoming so reliant on my setup to where I'm not functional if I lose my configuration or have to use another computer. Maybe someone could explain the merits of making it "yours".

Another thing: I don't see the need for speed when most of the debugging and structure of a program is mental modelling [0]. That's been my experience. So although I could certainly continue to use vscode, I don't think the defaults are even that good on it. There is some merit to keeping your hands on the keyboard, at least.

Although I've used vim throughout the years for quick edits, I never made it my main editor. It doesn't seem that hard, I've just been stupid to not investigate it beyond one file quick edits.

As for my current migrated workflow... so far I just keep two terminal tabs open, one for commands and one for nvim. No plugins at the moment.
Recently migrated to kitty terminal as well.
There's my situation, what's yours?

[0] https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1941206

2 2021-09-24 06:40 *

Don't use vscode, despite Microsoft's lies about it, it is proprietary:

3 2021-09-24 09:24

What about VSCodium?

4 2021-09-26 07:22

Yes, I'm committed to leaving vscode. My original approach was to just have a no-plugin simple editor, but when I think about using vscode 5 years from now it just doesn't paint a pretty picture.
The licensing ordeal revealed here doesn't surprise me at all either, but it's interesting to know

5 2021-09-27 20:30

I went the other way, anon. I've used Emacs for everything for the past 4 years and went away from it. The main reason I was using Emacs is that I could have an integrated environment for all my tasks.

The reason I use vscode was because I hate customizing stuff and don't care about the editor all that much. But I don't like the idea of using electron for the rest of my life, so I figure I'd go with vim instead.

I had the same feeling as you did. If I happened to edit yet another config file or broken function I'd probably shoot myself. However I have no issues with Electron for most of my projects (there are times that I use Jetbrains' products as they are faster) and I don't think Electron will ever go away.

Today I use NixOS[^1] with a default GNOME installation and for coding purposes I use VSCodium[^2] with extensions configured through Home Manager[^3] and I can't express how easier my job got as I have the same tooling as most of my colleagues and a reproducible environment.

[^1]: https://nixos.org
[^2]: https://vscodium.com/
[^3]: https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/

6 2021-09-27 23:28

I use Vim with the following plugins:

* ale — For asynchronous syntax checking.
* nerdcommenter — For adding and removing comments quickly.
* paredit — For structured editing of S-expressions.
* vim-mucomplete — For autocomplete.
* vim-slime — For sending text to a live REPL. (Note that this is not related to Emacs' SLIME; vim-slime merely sends text to REPLs.)

With the enhancements provided by these Vim plugins, I am able to use Vim to write comfortably in many languages (C, Common Lisp, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Markdown, OCaml, Prolog, Python, R, Racket, Scheme, sh).

For code navigation, these options are available:
* Use Vim's :grep feature with the Silver Searcher (ag).
* Use Vim's built-in Cscope interface.
* Use GNU Global and the gtags-cscope.vim plugin that comes with it.

7 2021-09-28 13:27

I use vim because my father before me used vim.

8 2021-09-28 17:25

I use emacs, mainly for org-mode... I spend a lot more time writing notes in it than actual code.

9 2021-09-29 06:40 *

What has happend to prog? Vim and Vscode users just walking around, not being shamed and ridiculed...

10 2021-09-29 08:43

I program using Notepad++ and Eclipse IDE on Windows 10. Java programming is such a joy with Eclipse. I can't wait to upgrade to Windows 11.

11 2021-09-29 10:23

The tables have turned, my friend. Emacs users are the ones who will be shamed and ridiculed. As Vim and VS Code have adopted more and more of Emacs features, the future will be increasingly written by Vim and VS Code. Emacs will be relegated to the dustbin of history, fit for use only by retrocomputing enthusiasts.

12 2021-09-29 13:14 *

Everything is shit, the only difference is texture.

13 2021-09-29 14:49

The only vim plugin I really care for is fzf - being able to fuzzy search over files is so damn handy, at this point I can't imagine switching between files in any other way.

14 2021-09-29 20:06 *

Interestingly enough, I first heard this "vsc*de is the new emacs" nonsense from a Microsoft employee. I have nothing against vim, but people who use vsc*de are evil. Stop feeding the beast.

15 2021-09-30 04:52 *

I use whatever works and suits my needs.
elvis for configuration
nano or emacs when I want to edit files freely
moe for typing notes

It is best to use a program as it is.
Of course changing a setting here or there.

I always found it funny when people create git repositories for their configurations. Those people will always be switching from distribution to distribution and from software to software to achieve the "perfect setup".
In the end most time is spent trying to achieve this instead of actually get work done.

16 2021-09-30 05:53

made me giggle

17 2021-09-30 05:58

Yes, the approach seems to be backwards for the some of the configurators.

For them, it seems configuration happens before use.
The other way around serves you best, I think.
Depends on the JtBD

18 2021-09-30 06:04

A surprising data point.
I tried rolling NixOs before, it was rather painful.
Maybe things have changed since I last tried it, circa 2019... I think.
What sort of notes are you writing?

19 2021-09-30 06:51

What's so funny? Java is a great programming language, but Emacs and Vim do not have good support for it. In contrast, the Eclipse IDE makes Java programming a breeze. I used to love Lisp and hate Java, but I've now set aside my ideological prejudice to experience the true beauty of Java.

20 2021-09-30 06:56

Does that mean you use plain Emacs without any custom configuration?

21 2021-09-30 16:16

It was funny because it was rare for anyone to have such opinions.
I've never acquainted with anyone who is an advocate of windows or java for that matter.
Coincided with the fact that this is a primarily a fermenting FOSS board, it's just foreign.
So I can't tell if your postings are satire.
What beauty did you find?

22 2021-09-30 16:53 *

On terminal yes.
On X11 I will change a couple setting like cua mode or no word wrap.

23 2021-09-30 17:58

I do not use Java regularly anymore, but when I did I liked it. But its over-reliance on IDEs has always seemed to me as a drawback. The IDE obscures what is going on, and when something goes wrong, you have no chance to correct it. Things went wrong fairly often. Not to mention that Eclipse is, or at least used to be, a resource hog and sluggish. I had to buy a new computer just so I can do my Java homework back in university lol.

24 2021-10-01 15:03
`7MMF'   `7MF'`7MMF'`7MMM.     ,MMF'
  `MA     ,V    MM    MMMb    dPMM
   VM:   ,V     MM    M YM   ,M MM
    MM.  M'     MM    M  Mb  M' MM
    `MM A'      MM    M  YM.P'  MM
     :MM;       MM    M  `YM'   MM
      VF      .JMML..JML. `'  .JMML
25 2021-10-04 07:08

Nothing out of the ordinary. Mostly notes on what am I doing. Complex commands, issues I come across and their solutions, things found out through debugging sessions, sometimes results, things like that. Just standard stuff, most of my coworkers keep similar notes, just not in emacs.

26 2021-10-04 20:14

I use emacs nowadays (after years with vim, and before that, TextMate). I have mixed feelings about it -- it tends to be a bit slow, and it's getting even slower as hell especially since I'm using lsp-mode and other bloated IDE-like shit. I've always been a bit anti-IDEs but I love theses features, actually.

27 2021-10-05 09:48

NixOS is still painful. You could try GNU Guix. I find it less painful than NixOS, but it's still somewhat painful. Scheme makes Guix less painful. The user interface of Guix is also better than that of NixOS. Guix also has a better selection of Lisp software and libraries.

IMO, the functional package management paradigm has a bright future, but it will take quite some time to:

* Make the user interfaces more user friendly.
* Have better user documentation (without needing to read the source code or ask for basic help on mailing lists).
* Add more packages (especially in the case of GNU Guix, which only has about 19,700 packages).
* Integrate better with existing setups (e.g. desktops, cloud deployment, etc.).



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