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URL redirection services

1 2021-10-24 15:34

I could need a couple choices in that regard right now but it seems those kind of services have mostly disappeared over the last 10-15 years. I am not exactly looking for short url services as those usually don't offer subdomains or frames (to hide the target URL from the addressbar) but if those features are offered i don't care what the site calls itself. Do you know any? If so please list them. The more the better. Smallish providers preferred (if just because i am likely to know the big ones already). Already being around a couple of years is a pro but no requirement. I appreciate any suggestion!

2 2021-10-25 03:07

You could self-host a URL redirection service. That would allow you to collect data and spy on the users of your service. If you decide to write your own URL redirection service, be sure to write it in Scheme.

3 2021-10-25 06:22

In general that's probably the optimal solution. In this particular case i am explicitly looking for something where i am not the one who's responsible for keeping the service running though.

4 2021-12-15 22:05 *

Don't. Link-shorteners make link-rot so much worse. Shorteners add another point of possible failure in the chain. When a shortening service dies all links it resolved are lost forever too.



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