[ prog / sol / mona ]


Don't make a career out of programming.

1 2021-11-24 13:41

Or anything tech for that matter. Go outside. Touch some grass. Whatever you do, don't sell your soul to sling code.

2 2021-11-24 14:47 *

Too late.

3 2021-11-24 15:22

It’s time to teach javascript to starving african children

4 2021-11-24 17:43 *


5 2021-11-24 18:38

If I just go write code outside does everything balance out?

6 2021-11-25 00:23


7 2021-11-25 03:21

How about "don't fall for the career scam"?

8 2021-11-25 10:21

Want to elaborate? Do you mean to imply doing "programming jobs" or something? Sounds like freelancing where you have to put at least 80% of your energy into marketing, 10% into SEO, and the remaining 10% to crapping out some horrible fullstack webshit for a client that is over-exploiting your labor with a bare minimum wage.

Oh, and compete with the million other fools doing the same thing. End of rant.

9 2021-11-25 19:50

Why must one work for another person?

10 2021-11-26 03:09 *


11 2021-11-26 03:34 *

If you want money, one way to do that is to work for other people.

12 2021-11-26 12:40

yeah ok let me just live from the fucking air then

13 2021-11-26 20:48

>>12 you may not like it, but this is possible and what peak performance looks like

14 2021-11-27 01:25

lmfao so true! Let me just grab another job from the fucking job tree.

15 2021-12-10 22:19

It's true though and the deeper in you go the darker it gets. Some of the people in this industry are quite evil in a non-obvious, subtle way.
Also: Why are there so many tr**ns now?

16 2021-12-10 22:42 *

It's the most efficient mode of transportation on land.

17 2021-12-11 21:17

But why are all the tr**ns full of autogynephilic eunuchs? Do they run on time, at least?

18 2021-12-11 22:04

I wish I had become a fisherman.
To spend every day laboring on a boat would be bliss.
It's only a matter of time before I get fired for barely showing up.

19 2021-12-11 22:21 *

Row, fisherman, row
Keep on rowing your boat (Brotherman, brotherman)
Yeah, row, fisherman, row
Lots of hungry belly pickney, they a shore (Millions of them)
Lots of hungry belly pickney, they a shore

20 2021-12-12 00:45

what is the solution to the work problem ?
99% of the normal-job , job-type job is literal slavery
freelancing ? i better kill myself
what happened ? what should i do ?

21 2021-12-12 07:01

What the fuck are you talking about? 99% of the normal-job is make work.
At the top you show up to scrum and pretend to work while you drink and shitpost.
At the bottom you're *Asking people what they want to drink today.* (not that it isn't nice but it's as much a fucking joke of a job as software development is.)

22 2021-12-12 14:00


99% of the normal-job is make work.

enjoy working 40+ a week , and your employer gets more money than you would ever imagine

23 2021-12-12 21:25

As a greenhorn in the field, my experience has been that working full-time is soulcrushing but that my current part-time fullstack work is kinda nice (as a student).

24 2021-12-13 16:17

This. I fucked up and made this decision.

I'm on my 3rd career in tech... don't be me... be better. Do something meaningful.

25 2021-12-13 16:54

E'eryone 'round here's either slingin' or suckin', ain't no other way out.

26 2021-12-21 20:54

You can start your own business, not freelancing, but doing actual shit like the guy behind spore stack or source hut. Or you can develop cheats, it's very lucrative. Or you can work for HiFive or some other nice company that does good. There are tones of options but they require real effort.

27 2021-12-21 23:05 *

If you're lucky "just the tip" (tm)

28 2022-03-12 18:48

I wish there was a decentralized bounty network where employers post requests and developers pitch their build plans. The opposite too, so they can bid out my code for and get paid.

29 2022-03-12 19:49

The thing that concerns me about decantralized systems like that is the matter of scamming. How do contracts get enforced and how do conflicts get arbitrated and resolved? Do the parties enter formally written and legally binding contracts that are valid for their country of operation?

30 2022-03-12 21:01

I'm thinking smart contracts in some sort of proof of stake gambit. You can add and remove things until both parties sign and agree. Additional contracts could be made for arbitration and third party neutrality, but again all 5 need to sign.
For developers that just want to code, their code would be encrypted until the bid reaches the time limit or threshold, and the decrypt key laid bare.
The current offerings aren't appetizing:

31 2022-03-12 22:22 *

And https://gitpay.me/ doesn't even work.



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