[ prog / sol / mona ]


help with quality of product

1 2021-12-04 01:40

im trying to sell my art but i dunno how

tryind to make 5 dollar product and hopefully it reaches hundred thousand peoples somehow...
how should i do?

is there a calculation so i know whats hundred thousand people will spend on?

2 2021-12-05 10:24

eat shit

3 2021-12-05 16:15 *

Don't be so rude.

4 2021-12-05 18:59

scat fasting is good for you

5 2021-12-07 17:01 *

God dammit, commit.
5 dollars? fuck you. Sell it for half a million and dress well. Maybe get a personal Jew to shill for you.

6 2021-12-09 16:03

Art is problematic, when it comes to calculating possible profit. When it comes to stuff made creatively, people are flaky.
And if your art is well made, 5 dollars sounds to good to be true, and people might think you are trying to trick them or something. If you can, raise the price (maybe to 50+ $).

For reaching lots of people as a starting artist...start with networking.
Get to know people, who appreciate and collect the style of art you create.
With the help of them, get to know more people, show them your artworks, and let them talk about it in their circles, effectively freely promoting it. If anyone wants to have it, sell it to them, and make it look like you are giving them a discount.

This is as far as i know. Take it with a grain of salt and think it through, before commiting.

7 2021-12-10 04:33

where's best to network? i dont have experience with it. also some people seems like they never network in cons or whatever and gets such massive traffic, what's wrong with that? I suppose im talking about 1 to 1 million return value in marketting, the kind of stuff i see everywhere, how artists are more or less coped in one place and select few circle of people, but somehow get quadruples to hundreds of that traffic in return.... like, does not seem like theyre sending thank you cards, as i recall...



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