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Is it time for a new generation of Lisps?

1 2021-12-16 22:33

The timeline indicates that we are behind on schedule:

2 2021-12-17 00:07

No need for a new Lisp when we can write new DSL using existing Lisp.

3 2021-12-17 03:00

LOL! Lisp will continue to fall behind precisely because of this backward mentality. When everyone writes a "new Lisp", everyone will be writing a half-baked "new Lisp" implementation that is going to become unmaintained within a few months. That is The Curse of Lisp.

4 2021-12-17 03:24


The timeline indicates that we are behind on schedule

How so? We are living in an era where there are more Lisps that there ever was. This could be an indication that the Lisp family is experiencing increased fragmentation.

5 2021-12-17 05:43

Lisp has never fallen behind anything. Lisp has always been at the very front of programming language research.

6 2021-12-17 07:56 *

(sigh) he didn't say write a new lisp.

7 2021-12-17 16:56

Every so often someone gets a hardon for John Stutt's Kernel, but it never leads to anything.

8 2021-12-19 03:07

I strongly believe the next generation of languages will see a revival of Prolog and the adoption of dependent types.

Not coincidentally Shen is a Lisp that uses Prolog for its typing engine.

9 2021-12-20 03:15


I strongly believe the next generation of languages will see a revival of Prolog ...

This is so funny! One century later, some ivory tower programmers will still be hoping for a "revival of Prolog". Dream on!

10 2021-12-20 04:51

why? (;´c`)

11 2021-12-20 23:47

Lisp should die.

12 2021-12-21 03:22

I agree that Lisp should die to make way for progress, but all those Lisp zealots are intolerant of this thought. Perhaps they have invested so much time into Lisp that they cannot imagine a better world without Lisp. These zealots claim that "Lisp will always be relevant" and "Lisp will never die", but they are the only ones interested in Lisp, resulting in a self-fulfilling prophesy that Lisp will always be used (only by zealots however). The bubble they live in will be more and more detached from reality as time goes by. That bubble should be popped sooner than later.

13 2021-12-21 03:41 *

>>12 %s/Lisp/America/g

14 2021-12-21 03:43 *

>>12,13 %s/Lisp/C/g etc.

15 2021-12-21 09:43

Lisp will never die because Lisp will always be relevant. This is because Lisp is the ultimate abstraction of programming. As long as the Church-Turing thesis remains true, Lisp will never die.

16 2021-12-24 14:41

>>15 but, I mean, couldn't you say the same things about APL, Forth, maybe even M4?



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