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Planning for Scheme's 50th anniversary

1 2022-02-12 04:42

Scheme will be 50 years old in 2025. SCHEME: An Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus was published in 1975. What kind of celebrations will there be during Scheme's golden jubilee?

2 2022-02-12 15:16

There will be fireworks and parades in all towns and cities worldwide. A giant copy of SICP will be paraded through all major cities of the world. Scheme will receive a 21-gun salute in every country. World leaders will make speeches extolling the virtues of Scheme, encouraging everyone to study the liturgical language of SICP regardless of their age, gender, creed, and race. Scheme will unite the world, accelerate technological progress, and usher in an era of peace and prosperity for all humankind.

3 2022-02-13 01:32

We will finally complete the R7RS-large specification! Then we can start yet another R7RS-large implementation of it!

4 2022-02-13 02:09

We can start designing R7RS-Morbid

5 2022-02-13 09:26

The largest proprietary Scheme code base in production will be released as Free Software. Many have tried to study its behaviour and reverse engineer it for millennia, but we will be the first to have access to the source code of the Universe.

6 2022-02-13 15:00

In the first minutes of December 22 2025 all Scheme programmers will call their final continuation ascending to the scope of their creator.

7 2022-02-13 22:12

Final report on all symbolic algebraic languages is released and leads humanity to collectively forced apotheosis under the SCHEME project.

8 2022-02-15 14:46 *

The great alien warrior parenthesis will thrust his two might curved blades into the daemon Al Ghul, killing it instantly. Parenthesis's nephew is finally released from Al Ghul's influence and adopts the fully dynamic scope of his father, and his father's father.

9 2022-02-15 15:24

>>8 I can't wait for this to happen.

10 2022-02-17 05:54

nothing will happen

11 2022-02-17 07:55

two more revised reports

12 2022-02-17 18:13

They will release Scheme 2.0, which will have a modern, Rust-like syntax, machine learning routines in the standard library and blockchain integration. You will still be able to use parentheses, but there will be only one pair and it will be sold as an NFT.

13 2022-02-19 22:38

You're already outdated. We currently have Scheme 7.1 in progress.



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