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How much time do you spend on fighting Scheme?

1 2022-06-27 06:30

With Scheme, we do not need to fight the language.
We fight the implementations instead.
How much time do Schemers waste on fighting the Scheme implementations?
What are the weak points of contemporary Scheme implementations that cause so much time to be wasted?

2 2022-06-27 06:35

It is pretty clear that nobody here actually know how to write program.

3 2022-06-27 08:02


And most of the people here had moved to join crypto mastermind instead of wasting time in this miserable board! http://cryptoswapprofits.com/join

4 2022-06-27 08:27

What else would you expect from Schemers?
They have memorized every word in SICP, R5RS, R6RS, and R7RS.
They have solved every exercise in SICP.
But they have never written any other program.
This is the archetypal Scheme weenie.
How else can you explain the low number of Scheme programs after half a century?

5 2022-06-27 08:29


I don't think that BBS audience is appropriate for your fraud. However, idiot admin doesn't know even a bit about SEO, so you've got a free of charge dofollow link. Enjoy.

6 2022-06-27 08:46


I didn't read SICP and probably wouldn't. I'm learning Scheme syntax via quick guide and will write my next program with Scheme just because I find its syntax the most elegant and practical among all other languages I worked with.

Seems like after reading academic bullshit people stop actually programming, so why bother.

7 2022-06-27 09:17 *

There are no programs written in Scheme, because after learning Scheme you will achieve Satori, and become capable of solving any programming problem instantaneously, inside of your head.

8 2022-06-27 11:28 *




9 2022-06-27 14:01

Just as it is possible to do computer science without a computer, it is similarly possible to program without a computer. It's not that they "stop actually programming"; they just don't bother to execute their many programs on a computer.

10 2022-06-27 21:50 *

Looks like Schemer programmers spend most of their time fighting other Scheme programmers.



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