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Virtual Scheme Machine

1 2022-07-06 06:58

Are there any technical impediments to making a virtual Scheme Machine that is conceptually similar to the "images" in Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk? Such a virtual Scheme Machine would be able to provide a well-integrated and consistent development environment for Scheme programmers.

2 2022-07-06 16:47

I don't think there is.

3 2022-07-06 22:30

everything is possible
but not everyone can do it

4 2022-07-06 22:45

I don't think so. I believe MIT/GNU Scheme already does something similar (if extremely simple) with bands and Edwin. It was originally designed in 1979 to run on a system-on-a-chip called SCHEME-79 which, I suppose, is the reason for the self-contained design. Something similar could also be built upon Scheme48.

5 2022-07-07 07:30

Try Interlisp, which is now open source although not suitable for production usage. Not sure how close that is to a real Lisp machine experience.

6 2022-07-07 12:10

Have you heard about the Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM)? This is a compiler project that is intended for language writers to write a "language front end", it allows language writers to target an " Instruction Set Architecture back end". LLVM is supposed to be the target platform that will compile a "front end language" into compiled machine code. Well there are already projects out there that implement various Scheme variants that will target LLVM.

7 2022-07-08 06:28


It was originally designed in 1979 to run on a system-on-a-chip called SCHEME-79 ...

Where can I buy that chip?
Are the blueprints open source so that I can make my own SCHEME-79 chips without being sued into oblivion?

8 2022-07-10 20:37

Why not send an email to the Sussman asking about it?

I found this article about it that has charming pictures of him and Guy Steele at the end, they look so young: https://www.computer.org/csdl/magazine/co/1981/07/01667431/13rRUB7a15V



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