[ prog / sol / mona ]



1 2022-07-31 12:40

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Scheme,
is in fact, %your-imlementation Scheme, or as I've recently taken to calling it, %your-imlementation + Scheme.
Scheme is not a programming language unto itself, but rather a set of standardized recommendations
for a fully functioning implementations made useful by GNU or Cisco: interpreter/compiler, REPL utility and vital libraries comprising a full programming language as defined by The Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.

2 2022-07-31 12:50


3 2022-07-31 19:42 *

Does Linus Torvalds agree that Linux is just the kernel? (#linusagreed)

He recognized this at the beginning. The earliest Linux release notes said:

Most of the tools used with linux are GNU software and are under the GNU copyleft. These tools aren't in the distribution - ask me (or GNU) for more info.

Sadly, a kernel by itself gets you nowhere. To get a working system you need a shell, compilers, a library etc. These are separate parts and may be under a stricter (or even looser) copyright. Most of the tools used with linux are GNU software and are under the GNU copyleft. These tools aren't in the distribution - ask me (or GNU) for more info.


Without any programs to run, though, the kernel cannot do anything. You should find binaries for 'update' and 'bash' at the same place you found this, which will have to be put into the '/bin' directory on the specified root-device (specified in config.h). Bash must be found under the name '/bin/sh', as that's what the kernel currently executes. Happy hacking.

Linus Torvalds "torvalds@kruuna.helsinki.fi"
Petersgatan 2 A 2
00140 Helsingfors 14



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