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Any rational reason to use Arch Linux

1 2022-11-01 10:27

for a person who is not a tinker tranny

2 2022-11-01 11:07 *

What the fuck is a "tinker tranny"?

3 2022-11-01 11:32

- Fresher packages (including a more recent kernel)
- A large user package repo
- No telemetry
- The arch wiki is the best source of linux documentation on the internet
- Pacman is a great package manager
- You have the option and learning resources to become a tinker tranny when something breaks (inevitable on desktop GNU+Linux distributions)

4 2022-11-01 13:29

AFAIK someone who is both a transexual and into customisation ("tinkering") for its own sake, possibly to the determent of other things.
IDK if any of this is worth the shame of having to say that you use Arch.

5 2022-11-01 23:28

Not really. I don't look into linux communities much nowadays (they're full of lunatics and idiots), but as far as I'm aware, from a rational cost-benefit analysis there is no actual reason to use Arch Linux instead of a standard distribution like Debian.

6 2022-11-01 23:57

>>5 this is true

7 2022-11-03 11:23

I like the rolling distribution approach. With Debian's approach, I have to refresh my base system to keep it updated for the new software that depends upon the newer updated libraries. With Arch, the whole system is incrementally updated, I don't have to refresh my base system in the same way as I'd have to do with Debian.

8 2022-11-03 14:26

what do you mean by 'refresh the base system'

9 2022-11-05 01:28

any rational reason to use Debian? is just as valid imo, you can just as easily set and forget on Arch as you can on any other distro. I only update like once a month and am really only on arch because I liked the name. no problems so far

10 2022-11-05 11:17

Debian is designed to be a stable, solid system.
Arch loonix is designed for fat manchildren who want to waste their time on useless trash. Just look at the "arch wiki": it's a phenomenon where instead of implementing changes into the OS, they write down instructions how to do them on some website. So you receive an incomplete system, and have to waste your time fixing it. And they think it's some kind of greatness! It's pure retardation.

11 2022-11-05 17:25

Debian still only provides Erlang 23, a version old enough that it doesn't even include the JIT (released over 2 years ago!)
I'm not sure why you would willingly use a distro that provides packages that are so out of date.

12 2022-11-05 17:28

Sorry, a year and a half ago, not two years ago. The point still stands.

13 2022-11-05 20:34
14 2022-11-05 21:46

Debian Unstable exists if you're retarded enough to think that you have to update every program on your computer everyday.
In general, distro package managers are a horrible way of actually installing software (due to installing everything system-wide and the potential to breaking things) so I don't even use them at all. Instead I prefer to use Guix, which is far superior.
I'm really not sure why would anyone use a distro that deliberately leaves even the simplest things like the browser completely broken though.

15 2022-11-06 10:03


due to installing everything system-wide

Is there another way? I mean, without installing 30 copies of Qt framework.

16 2022-11-06 13:02 *


I have a low opinion of Gentoo GNU/Linux.


17 2022-11-08 11:28 *

e/g/in /g/ro /g/read

18 2022-11-17 19:30

You can install things in separate prefixes and symlink between them.

19 2022-11-18 02:47

Probably the only distro that doesn't aknowledge that there are women with dicks. Was very good at the time of KISS and rc.conf. Not so much now but I'm used to it now and everything just works.
But really, it's probably the last distro that doesn't force you to aknowledge that there are women with dicks.

20 2022-11-18 02:50

ctrl+f "gender", any result: into the trash it goes



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