[ prog / sol / mona ]


Sexy Female Programmers

1 2022-11-20 14:21

It only if there are gorgeous girls working in the tech world like this : http://myhentaigallery.com/gallery/thumbnails/25228 , I would definitely stay in the IT field until I retired! 💕 🔥 🌹

2 2022-11-20 23:34

Females do not exist online, bro.

3 2022-11-21 02:40

That would only be annoying. Messing with coworkers outside of work is just a great way to get fired.

4 2022-11-21 11:04

You accepted a life of celibacy when you wrote your fist "Hello World".

5 2022-11-21 12:15

That's why I usually write star field instead.

6 2022-11-21 12:30

Women like men who appear to have the potential for social status. Being able to program can give you that very easily if you're careful so as long as you stay moderately fit, generally well behaved, and you're ethnically close enough to the women around you it's really not that hard to find someone.

7 2022-11-22 06:08


Sexy Female Programmers

Alyssa P. Hacker. Unfortunately, she is probably married to Ben Bitdiddle and/or Eva Lu Ator.

8 2022-11-22 16:21

Why blame programming instead of your family's defective genes like you should lmao

9 2022-11-22 19:08 *

I have siblings who were not cursed with the same fate as I am.

10 2022-11-22 19:10

Your siblings probably participated constructively in their community more than you did.

11 2022-11-24 16:03 *

Well, yeah. They are not programmers.

12 2022-11-24 20:29

Needs yuri NTR.

13 2022-11-25 14:14

Sexy females are not attracted to programming because there are no sexy male programmers.

14 2022-11-25 16:33

That's just wrong. When was the last time you looked into a mirror?

15 2022-11-25 16:37

>>13 Absolutely not true. The same spirit of self improvement that drives autodidacts drives people to work out and become fit. There are certainly some ugly programmers but most of the ones I know personally are very attractive.

16 2022-11-25 20:04

How many programmers are autodidacts?

17 2022-11-25 22:47


The same spirit of self improvement that drives autodidacts drives people to work out and become fit.

That's a vanishingly small minority of programmers. Most programmers are proud code monkeys. Sexy women are not attracted to computer-addicted slave monkeys, doubly so if the monkeys happen to have unnatural obsessions with parentheses.

18 2022-11-25 22:53

They went into hiding after witnessing the sexual fetishization of parentheses by Lisp weenies.

19 2022-11-26 01:44

It's not that you dislike the parentheses. It's that you're dumb

20 2022-11-26 11:47

Code monkey think someday he have everything, even pretty girl like you. Code monkey just waiting for now. Code monkey say someday, somehow...

21 2022-11-26 11:54

This is what programming used to be like before they turned it into an old boy's club: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Shsnhx8KUoY

22 2022-11-26 23:19

Today I learned that programming used to be dominated by sexy young women who constantly mock and threaten to fire the incompetent male programmers.

23 2022-11-27 00:43

programming used to be dominated by sexy young women

Well, he's not wrong.

24 2022-11-27 08:50

Things that become productive and require leadership naturally become male dominated. When it stops being that women take over. Textile manufacturing becomes male dominated when it's done for economic reasons but its usually women who do it as a hobby. Typesetting was male dominated when it was a new industrial process but it's women who often work as secretaries.

25 2022-11-27 13:42

You forgot the best part: they use Smalltalk!

26 2022-11-27 20:08

Women simply lack the impetuosity required to achieve great things.

27 2022-11-28 18:49 *

i didnt know i was a sexy young woman

28 2023-03-02 15:04


Yet, we are always mesmerized by them! 😍 http://failgags.com/hot-huge-boobs-girls-12-photos

29 2023-03-03 09:06

I just wish I had a hacker waifu by my side living in an aesthetic loft or basement of a building.

30 2023-03-09 13:07 *

ohh yeah

31 2023-03-18 09:22

int div (int a, int b)


int count = 0;
int sum = b;
while (sum <= a)


sum += b;


return count;


32 2023-03-18 13:13



33 2023-04-16 10:35

𝓐ɾҽ ⨍ҽ𝓶αɬҽ ρɾσցɾα𝓶𝓶ҽɾ ßσσ𝜏ყɬι𝓬ισᥙട ?


34 2023-04-17 03:25

Don't post porn to /prog/ that's horribly obnoxious.

35 2023-04-17 12:22

document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', (e) => {
let ha = e.target.innerHTML.split('src=\\"')[1].split('\\">')

how to grab pinterestest loading pictures and send them to somewhere sexz

36 2023-04-17 15:28


Negative: Crash dump, deployment error & 404 etc are the one that are appalling. 😱

37 2023-06-01 17:02

lauriewired on youtube is cute

38 2023-06-02 22:08

She is, but she needs to watch better anime.



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