[ prog / sol / mona ]


Learning a programming language properly for once

1 2022-12-22 08:47

I have been programming for several years now. It started when I was about 12 and I am still on it. The problem is that I never finished a single project, ever, at all, neither did I learn a single programming language properly. I have tried out everything pretty much to a certain degree. Python, Lua, Ruby, PHP, C99, Java, Posix Shell scripting, Javascript, C#, Scheme LISP. I tried web development (backend and frontend), game programming (writing mods and stand-alone games, at least I tried to do so), shell scripting, mobile apps and so on. OOP, functional programming, even logic programming (Stuff like Prolog), all of it. Nothing got me any results at all, after a lot of years of doing so. I am very interested in it and I do not want to drop it, but I want to start of again from scratch.
I am going to do the code of advent, even though I am pretty late on it, in the language you recommend me and do everything in it. I have read SICP and I happen to like the simplicity of Scheme, but other LISP dialects too. LISP is great, but I feel like it isn't a good language to start with, no matter the implementation. The language should be general-purpose, as I want to get really good at it, so I have at least one language I know properly. Scripting languages like Python, Lua, Ruby and Perl are fine too. I think the JVM is great. Generally I like functional programming more than OOP, but I would program in an OOP language too if it was good.

So, what language should I go with?

2 2022-12-22 09:37

What kind of results are you looking to achieve?

3 2022-12-22 12:29

Nothing in particular. I am just very interested in technology and every once in a while I have an idea I want to code. Sometimes simple tools, sometimes fun games, sometimes extensions for already existing software.

4 2022-12-22 12:58

Scheme is a good choice as the rnrs reports are short and libraries are simply written in Scheme, so you have greater transparent knowledge than many other languages. Also, Nazrin is cute

5 2022-12-22 13:31 *

What does this have to do with Nazrin, who is indeed cute?

6 2022-12-22 17:16

I have posted this thread on 4/g/ already, but got now good replies, so I tried my luck here. In the original post on 4chan I had a nazrin image as OP.

7 2022-12-22 17:23

Knowing many languages is good but you should have 2-3 languages that you know very well.

So, what language should I go with?
Generally I like functional programming more than OOP, but I would program in an OOP language too if it was good.


Generally I like functional programming
I think the JVM is great.

Clojure. Install GNU/Emacs + cider and leningen. Then read: https://www.braveclojure.com/getting-started/

Are you not respecting other anons and their time?

8 2022-12-22 17:51

I don't really understand your question, OP. You say you want to learn a programming language "properly", what does this mean? You claim you have read SICP, which means that you should have a pretty good idea how most of Scheme works, since you have written interpreters and compilers for a good part of it. Is that not enough? What else could you want?

9 2022-12-26 06:16


Proper programming application solution systems with continuous bleeding-edge cached-build kubernetes deployment API terraform LLC sir

10 2022-12-29 13:56

Learn Perl or OCaml, they have cute Camels as logos, which makes them better than any other language.

11 2022-12-29 14:37 *


12 2023-04-20 16:13

You should try platform like couchbase : http://www.couchbase.com

13 2023-04-22 21:03

OP, I don't think your core problem is about learning a language. "Unfinished project syndrome" is usually caused by a deficit in the problem analysis and solution design steps prior to coding. You should probably study problem analysis, flowcharts, hierarchy charts, stepwise refinement, iterative design, identifying scope creep, pseudo-code, etc. Any language, no matter how good, can never make up for poor planning.

14 2023-05-10 14:57


Try Codefinity : http://codefinity.com/start/cpp



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