[ prog / sol / mona ]


The redirection of our world

1 2023-04-18 21:40

How many people do we need to make lisp machines the industry standard of 2040 ?

2 2023-04-22 11:25

One young Stallman.

3 2023-04-24 09:07

I'd love to have a free software compliant single-board Lisp machine. Unfortunately, I am not a computer engineer so I don't know the engineering issues behind designing a real world Lisp machine.

4 2023-04-24 13:58

Just make a vaquinha for hiring the computer engineers.

5 2023-05-02 03:09

yes, patriots

6 2023-05-07 21:26

If lisp machines are intrinsically superior, they will win the day


7 2023-06-06 23:34

just 72 hours



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