[ prog / sol / mona ]


How do you guys listen to music?

1 2023-09-29 08:27

I have a youtube playlist that I download and transfer to my phone. I use the VLC app to play music.

2 2023-09-29 15:42

Personally, I
1. go here: https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead
2. click "this day in history",
3. select one that looks good,
4. copy the "VBR M3U" link,
5. open it with mpv from a shell

3 2023-09-29 20:29

Modded Spotify apk. Working towards my own library that I am getting through Deemix/Deezer.

4 2023-09-29 21:50 *

ORP and RED flacs.

5 2023-09-30 16:03

Vinyl on my phone, mpd on my computer and laptop
FLACs from RED or from albums I've purchased

6 2023-09-30 17:29

with my ears

7 2023-09-30 20:01

Spotify, YouTube (and YouTube Music), Bandcamp

8 2023-09-30 22:00

My prefred way of listening to music is to imagine it on my head.

Ocasionally I play it on youtube, but my computer is slow, and youtube is
bloated so its quite tedious to search and launch music this way.
So I just ytdl the file and run it over mpv/ffplay on loop.
I never organise these music files tough, so I end up losing them,
and go back to my imagination

This isn't a problem to me tough, because the main metric by which I judge
music, is by how memorable it is. A good song just plays itself.

9 2023-09-30 23:42



good knight sweet prince

10 2023-10-01 01:34

I just came up wit some scripts to play music :DDD
There are four files, they use mpv internally:

play_song.sh stop_song.sh next_song.sh prev_song.sh

NOTE: These only work properly if there is no instance of mpv running other
than the one they start.

Also, they hold a shared counter variable within /dev/shm


play_song.sh starts a random song from a given directory, when that song ends
it moves to the next song randomly

stop_song.sh stops the current song from playing, if we run play_song.sh after
the same song will start playing

next_song.sh kills the instance of mpv in play_song.sh, this causes the first
script to pick a next script

prev_song.sh kills the instance of mpv in play_song.sh, and it then decrements
a shared counter in /dev/shm, causing the RNG to roll back (thus effectively
playing a previous song)




song_count=$(ls $music_directory | wc -l)

while :; do
    # If mpv is already running, ragequit (avoid duplicate instances)
    pgrep mpv > /dev/null && exit 0

    if [ -f $music_counter ]; then
        # If there is a counter, read it
        counter=$(cat $music_counter)
        # If there is no counter, set it to random number
        counter=$(printf "%d\n" 0x$(xxd -l4 -p /dev/urandom))
        echo $counter > $music_counter
    # Increment the counter
    echo $(expr $counter + 1) > $music_counter
    # Generate a random number using the counter as seed
    randno=$(printf "%d\n" 0x$(echo $counter | md5sum | xxd -l4 -p))
    # Select a file based on this number
    fileno=$(expr 1 + $(expr $randno % $song_count))
    file=$(ls $music_directory | sed ${fileno}q | tail -n 1)
    # Save currently playing song so we can pipe it to script
    echo $file > $music_name

    # Play file, the execution locks here until the song ends
    # or mpv process is killed 
    mpv "$music_directory/$file"




pkill play_song.sh
pkill play_song.sh
pkill mpv

rm -f $music_name

if [ -f $music_counter ]; then
    counter=$(cat $music_counter)

    # We decrement the counter by 1, because play_song.sh
    # will reincrement it
    echo $(expr $counter - 1) > $music_counter


pkill mpv




if [ -f $music_counter ]; then
    counter=$(cat $music_counter)

    # We decrement the counter by 2 before killing mpv,
    # since the counter will increment by 1 right after
    echo $(expr $counter - 2) > $music_counter

    pkill mpv
11 2023-10-01 07:45

Are you German? Because this seems a little overengineered

12 2023-10-01 09:59

No. Quite contrarily, I am from a country so mediocre it has no famous engineers at all

13 2023-10-02 07:24

MPD + MPC keybindings for my WM. I also use YouTube. Sometimes I listen to music from http://tracker.modarchive.org

14 2023-10-02 15:02

I don't

15 2023-10-02 16:54

ocp or ffplay in a while loop.
The age of good software is over.

16 2023-10-06 18:01

From archive.org or private tracker. Convert to MP3, put it on my last phone, and Bluetooth is everywhere now.

17 2023-10-06 22:38


What player do you use? Do you use an equalizer?

18 2024-02-02 23:29

I read music as raw bits with a script that triggers feh --bg-scale white.png or feh --bg-scale black.png depending on the value of the bit and I stare at my screen until the music is over

19 2024-02-03 21:43

Are you deaf or do you just hate any kind of noise disturbance?

20 2024-02-03 22:32


There's too much commitment in music; Bach's music literally reveals (that's a side effect) to me that the world we live in is a suffering. To witness so much beauty is insuperable; when the music ends it feels like you're trading all the jewels of the world for one lump of coal.

Beauty is expensive; I spent days listening to the first movement of Vivaldi's winter, I felt like I was ripping the brain out of a jaguar.

I lived so close to the sun that each day on earth feels like shivers.

21 2024-02-03 22:32

I mostly find new songs by idling in ##music on libeta and having a script that plays random youtube link from the log

22 2024-02-04 23:11


23 2024-02-05 12:55

What is "mosrly"?

24 2024-02-09 06:47

Oh shir, I fumbled rhe regex!

25 2024-02-19 13:52

I just listen to radio.
The bluesmusicfan radio.

26 2024-02-19 15:40

i believe he meant to fix libera

27 2024-04-06 08:08


28 2024-04-09 05:46

mpd + ncmpcpp on my laptop
vlc on my phone
youtube on both
i either use torrents, or downloaders for music i can't find alive torrents of

29 2024-04-09 07:42

Once upon a time I downloaded the complete Touhou music collection (I suppose it's not complete anymore, since it doesn't have the new stuff) and have been listening to it ever since. mpd + cantata.



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