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Go vs Rust

1 2023-12-22 23:44

I want to decide which language to spend more time with. I can't find information of what usecases both languages fulfill.

I just know that
- Go has more jobs
- Gofmt prefers tabs and Rust devs prefer spaces.
- Go is simpler to learn for beginners

Please link any articles that will help me decide between the both. I am a CSE student with limited knowledge of C and Python.

2 2023-12-23 01:48

Both suck. Learn Ada instead.

3 2023-12-23 01:59

I can't find information of what usecases both languages fulfill.

That's funny. For years, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a bunch of people comparing these languages. Maybe everyone stopped doing that for some reason.

Go is designed primarily for network-facing daemons. Google makes a shitload of those and assigns that kind of work to new hires to keep them busy. It's become quite popular for web service backends, and also for container-related software used for managing virtual servers, I guess because the same people are writing those.

Rust is designed as an alternative to C and C++ for real time or "bare metal" code, but without the constant danger of crashes or RCE exploits. Its first use in production was in Firefox. Now it's being used in Android and Windows, and graphics drivers in Asahi Linux. It has a reputation for being "obsessed" with safety.

4 2023-12-23 10:18

- Go has a community of old racist peckerwoods and Rust has one of diverse and flamboyant LGBT+ PoCs

5 2023-12-23 15:19 *

WTF I love Go now.

6 2023-12-23 17:45

For like 20 years Ada was an extinct species outside the aerospace industry (which it was made for) because compilers were expensive. No longer a problem today. In fact it's getting all this attention now because Rust exists and the racist boomers want to be able to prove that the way Rust does safety is wrong. The average age of Ada programmers has to be twice that of Go programmers

7 2023-12-23 22:26

Kinda funny that programming is now divided along lines of american politics lmao.

8 2023-12-23 22:34 *

Literally any topic you can discuss in English has been politicized. Like breathing. I don't know why you would expect programming to escape this treatment, but that has nothing to do with the languages themselves.

9 2023-12-24 00:25

é por isso que só discuto em português

10 2023-12-24 01:13 *

Porque literalmente nenhum de nós sabe falar português. Comemos apenas pão de queijo.

11 2023-12-24 04:20


but that has nothing to do with the languages themselves.

Yes but people are using those languages because they fit in some political narrative, not on the basis of their technical details.

12 2023-12-24 04:33

Are you claiming that the users of these languages gravitate to them regardless of their technical merits (of which they are ignorant) or that there are no such technical merits when compared to alternatives like Java and C++? The latter is something I often hear said about Rust, but come to think of it, I don't recall ever once having heard it said about Go.

13 2023-12-24 05:12

What political narrative does Scheme and Common Lisp fit into?

14 2023-12-24 07:55 *

One where parenthesis are a reason to be upset

15 2023-12-24 13:18

Thank you man
Clear and concise answers like this are hard to find online nowadays

16 2023-12-24 21:58

Ah yeah the infamous nazi goriders.

17 2023-12-25 11:11

Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas!

18 2023-12-26 22:58

Go learn Lisp.

19 2023-12-28 04:36

Why not Zig?

20 2023-12-28 21:23

Sure, why not Zig?

Much like Go, Zig is intended to be simple, to compile fast, and to make async programming as seamless as possible. It eschews "traditional" generics in favor of Lisp-style compile time code generation. It's worth noting Go never had very good code generation tools and recently went in the opposite direction by adding generics.

Much like Rust, Zig is designed to be a safer alternative to C in the same niche (GCless systems programming) and even to coexsit with C during an incremental rewrite of existing C code. Unlike Rust, Zig has designed all its tooling with such rewrites in mind, and works great for building pure C codebases, so that your first step in such a rewrite might be to replace your makefiles and C compiler with the Zig build system.

Unlike either of them, Zig is designed with an eye towards bootstrapping itself on new platforms instead of relying on cross compilation, because I guess there's a chance all computers will be vaporized by a solar flare tomorrow and we'll have to rebuild the entire software ecosystem out of duct tape and bubblegum.

21 2023-12-29 03:57


Why not Zig?

Does it have good support for functional programming?

22 2023-12-29 07:27


23 2024-01-21 20:57

Zig is gay. Learn C3: https://c3-lang.org/

24 2024-01-21 21:23

official forums:

I strongly oppose softare projects inflicting javascript on their potential users/developers. But then again that's the ecosytem they targeting, certainly not the one I want to use.

25 2024-01-22 05:59


When you have eliminated the JavaScript, whatever remains must be an empty page.

Faulty logic, courtesy of Google Maps.

26 2024-01-22 13:41

Discord is a javascript application, I doubt it works without it.

27 2024-01-22 14:19


Discord is a javascript application

It does not have to be. Why in the world did they choose to write it using JabbaShit instead of Lisp or even Go or Rust?

28 2024-01-22 15:41


Are you sure you're not confusing it with Discourse? I realize this is hard to pick up on because the first letters are the same, but they are actually different names for different things.

Both JS abominations though.

29 2024-01-26 17:46

Discord is spyware.

30 2024-01-29 20:27

C is the superior of the languages.
Unless you want profit as an emplyee lol

31 2024-02-06 11:49 *

Enjoy your buffer overrun exploits

32 2024-02-27 05:39

What kind of knife do you use while programming, and how does it taste?

33 2024-02-27 05:54 *

Come on koishi, you don't have to be that upset.

34 2024-02-28 12:56

You are no one if you make code for capitalism and are better of dead.
On average, paid programmers, not to mention even developers, write shit code.
On worse, paid programmers are the reason why we have bugs and 0-days, or Go or Rust.

You are a no one and forever will remain that if you use Go or Rust.

I will never use or even think about using Go or Rust shitware!
The world is literally better off you not programming, because they'll go like "oh hey, there's this cool program" and then they install shit and more programmers support such shitware!

reasons why I only want to stick to the C programming language and something
like assembly:
- C compiler(s) is already present, why install 10 more for 10 more
programming languages? I do not want that bloat.
- I'd have to learn yet another programming language, and deal with even
more of my schizophrenia/dimensia, if I ever wanted to: audit such software,
configure it, or even build upon it.
- Something that works and has worked for like +50 years is still
here, and is not going anywhere, so stop re-inventing the wheel
with a few little changes
- I don't require nor want to have a programming language that
holds my hand, those are the first I have learned, and they can
go fuck themselves - they are a pure mess, and it takes me so
much time to learn something, then while implementing it -
forget about something and regardless: I want to know more
about computers, not less. Also - I want more control, not less -
a computer programmer should be a computer programmer to it's software,
not an user for whom stuff is done for them
- I want 1 package manager, not 10
- I do not want 100 dependencies, which also have to be reviewed for
malicious code, and then comes the "I don't really understand how this
dependency works" so then these fail: reliability, privacy, understanding,

eat shit and fuck off of C-BBS

35 2024-02-28 13:11

A lot of programming languages are more complicated than they have to be, so that programmers take more time to do things, and thus meaning longer-lasting job/more salary.

That's the whole reason why C++ was made

36 2024-05-08 06:12 *


the skill issues of a stuck C programmer

Learn a lisp.
...or write one if you want.



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