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Calculator General

1 2024-02-12 02:34

What calculator(s) do you enjoy using? Currently I use a TI-30X IIS on the daily

2 2024-02-12 04:43

I think selling my HP-48 was stupid, I really loved it. I could buy another one but I don't think I need one so badly. I do have both a soroban and a slider rule but never really learned to use them. If I need a calculator I just use Google or Python. Or Wolfram Alpha if I need something more advanced.

3 2024-02-12 06:17


4 2024-02-12 06:44


Aw that sucks. Yeah, I use CLISP or Racket or just any lisp language really for my math shiz.

5 2024-02-12 06:45


Woah, I have never heard of this. Seems really cool.

6 2024-02-13 18:53

I use a TI-30X IIS as well whenever I'm building stuff and I need to calculate some stuff on-the-go without a laptop or phone (don't want to get my phone all crummy with whatever shit my hands may be covered in, or crushed by a hammer)
was thinking about getting one of those new Casio calculators with built-in worksheet functionality.



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