Lydéric Bocquet

Directeur de Recherche CNRS,
Professeur Attaché à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure
Membre de l'Académie des sciences

Laboratoire de Physique,
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris


  • Video of the inaugural lecture at Collège de France andopen book : 'The molecular mechanics of fluids'
  • A Manhattan project for the environmental transition: note on the project implementation

  • "Là où j'ai peur, j'irai", Anne Sylvestre

    My research

    My research is at the interface between condensed matter, fluid dynamics and nano-science. It is mostly curiosity driven. We combine experiments, theory, and molecular simulations to explore the intimate mechanisms of the dynamics of fluid interfaces from the macroscopic down to the molecular level.
    My main line of research over the past ten years has been nanofluidics, the science of molecular flows. This world of the infinitely small in fluidics is the frontier where the continuum of fluid mechanics meets the atomic or even quantum nature of matter. In the team, we have developed unique experiments to study fluid transport in individual nanochannels, demonstrating giant osmotic transport in boron-nitrogen nanotubes, ultra-fast flows in carbon nanotubes - highlighting quantum friction effects -, or the demonstration of neuromorphic effects in two-dimensional systems.
    Nanofluidics is also a field where the path from fundamental science to breakthrough innovation is short, notably for desalination, water remediation or osmotic energy. My fundamental research has led to the creation of four start-ups, including Sweetch Energy in the field of osmotic energy and Hummink in the field of additive manufacturing on a nanometric scale.

    Read a general perspective on nanofluidics in this Pour La Science article (in french)

    Research interests

    Recent articles

    Article n189

    «Fluctuation-induced quantum friction in nanoscale water flows»
    Nature (2022)

    Article n186

    « “Modeling of emergent memory and voltage spiking in ionic transport through angström-scale slits”» Science (2021)

    Article n169

    «Molecular streaming and its voltage control in ångström-scale channels» Nature (2019)