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Mike McCoy and the New York Metropolitan Transportation

 Submitted on Tuesday, 29 April, 2008 - 13:33    • 

Mike McCoy, ICE Co-director will address the New York Metropolitan Transportation Commission on Thursday May 1st on the topic of integrated transportation land use modeling. The New York Metropolitan Transportation Commission notes that “A million more people are expected to live in New York City by 2030, two million more when Long Island and the lower Hudson Valley are included, and four million more in the twenty-eight county, tri-state metropolitan region as a whole. This growth will undoubtedly lead to more congested roadways, buses, trains, and even sidewalks. The substantial growth could severely strain the transportation system, threatening to add significant costs in time and money to moving people and goods, and could diminish both environmental quality and quality of life throughout the region.” ICE’s modeling work with California’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations has attracted national and international attention as the worlds major cities struggle to maintain economic development while managing transportation and greenhouse gas production. Future invited talks will include Brussels in the Fall of 2008 and Beijing in the Spring of 2009.


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