Accueil/ expose #carousel1 li{ width:150px; height:180px; } #carousel2 li{ width:150px; height:180px; } Towards unification of spacetime and matter prospect of string theory
jeudi 28 février 2013
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Conférence de Hikaru Kawai dans le cadre du séminaire de physique 2012-2013.

About thirty years have passed since the standard model of particle theory is established. It is considered to describe three of the fundamental interactions correctly, that is, the electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, and at present we have no experimental result that contradicts with it. On the other hand, the gravitational interaction has a difficulty because the ordinary quantum field theory does not work for it. In fact the quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field become too large at short distances to construct a consistent quantum theory. However, string theory miraculously avoids this problem. Not only its quantum fluctuations are finite and controllable, it provides a unified description of all the interactions and matter fields. Although string theory is a very good candidate of the ultimate theory in this sense, there is a serious problem. So far string theory is defined based on the perturbation theory, and because of the lack of the complete definition we cannot find the real ground state, that is, the vacuum. In fact we have infinitely many fake vacua in the perturbation theory, and in order to make realistic predictions, we need a complete formulation of string theory. Some theories are proposed as such a formulation based on the matrix models, on which several analyses are being made.

Thèmes : Physique
Catégories: Colloquium / Séminaire général du département de physique
Mot-clés : Photon, electromagnétique, physique des particules, théorie des cordes

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Auteur(s) Hikaru Kawai
Université de Kyoto

Plus sur cet auteur
Voir la fiche de l'auteur

Cursus :

Hikaru Kawai est professeur à l'université de Kyoto du Japon.

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Dernière mise à jour : 06/12/2013

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