Accueil/ expose #carousel1 li{ width:150px; height:180px; } #carousel2 li{ width:150px; height:180px; } Mantle dynamics and mountain building : a case for convective instability of mantle lithosphere
mardi 23 novembre 2004
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"I ask three questions. (1) Under what conditions is mantle lithosphere sufficiently negatively buoyant that if perturbed, blobs of it sink into the asthenosphere? (2) Where it is unstable, what properties of the earth does the growth of such instabilities constrain? (3) What consequences of this "deblobbing" can we recognize? Tomographic images of the mantle beneath mountain belts and high plateaux do show simple manifestations of subduction of thickening of mantle lithosphere, but instead call for complicated distributions of wave speeds that suggest convective instability. Numerical experiments on Rayleigh-Taylor instability show that non-Newtonian viscosity can retard initial growth of perturbations, but then growth becomes catastrophic, as if unstable growth can be delayed until long after perturbations have been introduced, tens of millions of years after continental collisions. The crust can perturb flow so that descent occurs not beneath the zone of crustal shortening, but beneath its surroundings; hence lithospheric thinning and volcanism are possible where convergence occurs. If blobs of dense material detach and sink, the added potential energy to the lithosphere above can perturb deformation outside the region."

Thèmes : Géologie
Catégories: Séminaire général du Département TAO
Mot-clés : Litosphère

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Auteur(s) Peter Molnar
University of Colorado at Boulder
Professeur de géologie

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Cursus :

Peter Molnar est un géophysicien et géomorphologue, professeur de géologie à l'université du Colorado à Boulder, et membre du CIRES (institut coopératif de recherche en science environnementale). Il obtient sa thèse de doctorat en sismologie à l'université Columbia en 1970.
Auteur ou co-auteur de plus de 150 articles, souvent très cité, il est une personnalité importante en sciences de la terre. Il se concentre actuellement principalement sur les relation qu'il existent entre géodynamique, (paléo)climat et érosion.

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