Accueil/ expose #carousel1 li{ width:150px; height:180px; } #carousel2 li{ width:150px; height:180px; } Homo Cyberneticus: Neurocognitive considerations for the embodiment of artificial limbs
mardi 05 novembre 2019
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Conférence de Tamar Makin (UCL)  dans le cadre du Colloquium du département d'Etudes Cognitives de l'ENS

(When) should we all get artificial limbs? Technology is progressing at a remarkable pace, providing us with wearable robotic technologies to substitute, and even supplement, our own limbs, freeing humans from the biological constraints of their own bodies. But can the human brain embody these exciting technologies as new body parts? I will describe very recent neuroimaging and behavioural studies we’ve been conducting in amputees who use prosthetic limbs to substitute their missing hand function. We find that although brain resources originally devoted to body representation can be utilised to represent an artificial limb, the representational features of a prosthesis do not mimic that of a biological hand. These studies provide a first glimpse into neurocognitive opportunities and limitations towards artificial limb embodiment. I will then present ongoing studies examining what happens to people’s (intact) biological body representation after they are provided with robotic augmentation – a Third Thumb. If you want to know what happens… please attend the talk! The bottom line is that our intuitions as scientists (mainly inspired by sci fi culture) tend to fail us when hypothesising on how the brain interfaces with wearable technology, so there are many pertinent open questions that await further research.

Thèmes : Sciences cognitives
Catégories: Colloquium du DEC
Mot-clés : Mémoire, cerveau, neuroimagerie, sensation, mouvement, corps, Nouvelles technologies, conséquence, cortex, main, résonance magnétique, robotique médicale, incarnation, prothèse, membre artificiel, amputation, bionique

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Auteur(s) Tamar Makin
University College of London (UCL)
Chercheur en sciences cognitives

Plus sur cet auteur
Voir la fiche de l'auteur

Cursus :

Tamar Nakin est professeur agrégé à l’Institut de neuroscience cognitive de l’UCL (University College of London).

Ses recherches portent sur les principaux moteurs et limites de la réorganisation dans le cerveau adulte. Pour cela elle travaille sur les utilisations des prothèses et étudient leur impact sur le fonctionnement cérébral.

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Dernière mise à jour : 03/02/2020

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