Ultrarunning Email List

ULTRA is a list dedicated to the sport of ultrarunning. By "ultrarunning" we mean any distance longer than a marathon and shorter specialty races such as Escarpment, Pikes Peak ascent, Mt. Washington, etc. We would like to form a community of people for whom "normal" running challenges such as marathons are not enough, people who gravitate towards the very long and the extreme. The list will concentrate on matters such as experiences of particular ultras, training philosophies, pacers and crews, nutritional preferences, bathroom etiquitte on the trail, how to fall gracefully, etc.

The founders are:

To join the ULTRA list, send a message to: <listserv@listserv.dartmouth.edu>
In the message body put the line: subscribe ultra Firstname Lastname

This page written from information recieved from Sean.Smith@lunch.trust.cs.cmu.edu. and James Szydlik >szydlik@cgrer.uiowa.edu<

Copyright © 1995
Author is Dennis G. Rears<drears@sunsite.unc.edu>.
Last Update: 1 December 95
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