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Headshot of Isobel.

Isobel Heck


PhD, University of Chicago, 2023

464 Meliora Hall

Office Hours: By appointment


Research Overview

Dr. Heck will be accepting applications for graduate students for the 2024-2025 academic year.

My research focuses on how young children come to represent and think about societal hierarchies, political systems, and social group-based inequities. This research embraces the perspective that how children see societal structures offers a lens into how society first becomes represented in the human mind, and into ways of thinking about and responding to inequities that may remain intuitive across the lifespan and over time. My research follows three main themes: (1) Mechanisms of learning about group-based hierarchies; (2) Developing leadership cognition and sociopolitical thought; and (3) Becoming involved in societal and political systems. Across these streams, I pay particular attention to how variation in lived experience shapes differences in social thinking across individuals and contexts.

Selected Publications

*Denotes student collaborators.