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Professor Handley in a red scarf.

Liz Handley


PhD, Arizona State University, 2012

460 Meliora Hall

Office Hours: By appointment

Research Overview

Dr. Handley will be accepting applications for graduate students for the 2024-2025 academic year.

The overarching goal of Dr. Handley’s research is to advance understanding of the impact of family adversity on development for individuals and families. Her research aims to identify the outcomes, mechanisms, and moderators associated with exposure to family adversity, such as child maltreatment and parent psychopathology, across the life course and across generations. She is especially interested in the biological embedding of stress. Her research seeks to understand how exposure to childhood adversity can disrupt biological processes and lead to the development of mental and physical health challenges.

Dr. Handley’s research is grounded in the developmental psychopathology framework, utilizes prospective longitudinal designs with adversity-exposed samples, and emphasizes multiple levels of analysis. Additionally, Dr. Handley has an interest in longitudinal data analysis and advanced quantitative methods. Current projects seek to address the following questions:

Mt. Hope Family Center

Selected Publications

*Denotes student/advisee.