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Faculty photo

David Dodell-Feder

PhD, Harvard University, June 2017

453 Meliora Hall

Office Hours: N/A


Research Overview

Professor Dodell-Feder will not be accepting applications for graduate students for the 2024-2025 academic year.

The primary goal of Professor Dodell-Feder's research program is understanding the processes that contribute to healthy and disordered social functioning, and their improvement, with a particular focus on psychotic spectrum disorders. Professor Dodell-Feder utilizes a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach, including neuroimaging (e.g., task-based and resting-state fMRI) and behavioral methods (e.g., experience-sampling), as well as insights from cognitive, social, and relationship psychology, to address the following overarching questions:

Research Interests

Recent Publications (* denotes student/advisee)

Selected Current Projects