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Graduate Students

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Christina Layton

Graduate Student
Entry Year: 2022-2023
Faculty Mentor(s): Loisa Bennetto

457 Meliora Hall
Fax: (585) 273-1100

Research Overview

My research interests focus on investigating the brain-behavior relationships and phenotypic subtypes of sensory processing in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to inform sensory-based supports and improve quality of life for individuals with ASD. I am passionate about the inclusion of individuals of all levels of functioning in research and adapting research and intervention frameworks to better serve non-speaking and minimally speaking autistic people.

Selected Publications

Poster Presentation


Additional Information

2020-2022: Columbia University, Teachers College, M.A. in Psychology in Education (Concentration in Neuroscience)

2019-2022: Clinical Research Coordinator, Seaver Autism Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (PIs: Drs. Paige Siper, Jennifer Foss-Feig, and Alexander Kolevzon)

2015-2019: Northwestern University, B.S. in communication

2015-2019: Research Assistant, Neurodevelopment Disabilities Lab, Northwestern University (PI: Dr. Molly Losh)