.b-banners-banner--img { background-image: url( https://dining.carleton.ca/wp-content/uploads/unnamed-2-1-scaled_1600x700_acf_cropped_1600x700_acf_cropped-768x336.jpg ); } @media ( min-width: 768px ) { .b-banners-banner--img { background-image: url(https://dining.carleton.ca/wp-content/uploads/unnamed-2-1-scaled_1600x700_acf_cropped_1600x700_acf_cropped-1400x613.jpg); } } @media ( min-width: 1024px ) { .b-banners-banner--img { background-image: url(https://dining.carleton.ca/wp-content/uploads/unnamed-2-1-scaled_1600x700_acf_cropped_1600x700_acf_cropped.jpg); } }

Caf Guidelines

Located on the 3rd Floor of Teraanga Commons (formerly the Residence Commons Building), the caf is an all-you-care-to-eat facility. During the school year, we feature many unique stations that offer a wide variety of menu options to our guests. the caf is a dynamic, lively environment, hosting almost 3,500 residence students in addition to our off-campus community and Carleton faculty & staff for meals throughout each day.

Caf Guidelines

For everyone’s well-being and enjoyment of the caf:

  1. Backpacks/bags will not be allowed within the caf.
  2. You may only use your own campus card when entering the caf.
  3. Outside food, beverages and containers are not permitted inside the caf.
  4. You can enjoy as much food as you want when you are in the caf but we ask that you only take one piece of fruit or dessert when exiting.
  5. We also ask that you do not take out dishware, cutlery or any other item that is not permitted.
  6. Unless there is an emergency, we ask that you only enter and exit the caf at the designated turnstiles.


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