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represents an API with parameters namei that evaluates the function fun whenever it is called. The function fun is applied to "name1"val1,"name2"val2,…, where the vali are the settings for the parameters, interpreted as being of types typei.


takes the value of the parameter namei to be defaulti if it is not specified when the API is called.


specifies that the result from applying fun should be returned in format fmt.


specifies that the result should be returned as a response of the form rform.


specifies that in the event of failure, the result should be returned in format failfmt.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (4)

An API function with one parameter named x applied to an Association:

An API function with an optional parameter having a default value:

Use CloudDeploy to deploy an API function to the Wolfram Cloud:

The deployed API function can be invoked by accessing the cloud object in a web browser and appending ?x=value to its URL:

Calling an APIFunction with insufficient input data will return a Failure:

Scope  (6)

An API function that returns the result of the computation as Wolfram Language text inside a JSON container with metainformation about the computation:

Interpreter Specifications  (1)

Use rich Interpreter specifications:

A list can be used to create a choice list:

Defaults  (4)

Specify a default for a field; fields that have a default are not required:

Fields can be optional without having a default:

Use the default specification to allow for empty strings:

Use RuleDelayed to evaluate a new default every time:

Options  (3)

AllowedCloudExtraParameters  (1)

Allow the caller of an APIFunction to set the format used for exporting the result:

If the "_exportform" parameter is not specified in the call, the APIFunction will not export the result:

AllowedCloudParameterExtensions  (2)

Deploy an APIFunction that accepts JSON encoded matrices:

Deploy an APIFunction that accepts parameters given as Wolfram Language data:

Applications  (7)

Get a map of any country:

Find the latest stock price for a given symbol:

Plot a CellularAutomaton:

Deploy a BarChart API:

Deploy an API to create and redirect to a new FormFunction:

Deploy an API to get the population for any country in a given year:

Return a full webpage from a template:

Properties & Relations  (9)

A deployed API can be accessed from any HTTP client (given proper authentication if required):

APIFunction is designed to be interchangeable with FormFunction:

And vice versa:

APIFunction accepts the same options as FormFunction but ignores most of them:

The single fields of an APIFunction use Interpreter to transform the input in Wolfram Language expressions:

This is effectively the same as the following:

And the same as applying Interpreter directly:

An APIFunction is executed with $EvaluationEnvironment set to "WebAPI" and with $CloudEvaluation being True:

Compare this to the result in a desktop session:

The evaluation environment for CloudEvaluate is "WebEvaluation":

APIFunction is useful to perform computations on demand based on input parameters. For computations that do not depend on any input parameters, Delayed can be used as well:

Equivalent code that uses APIFunction:

The result of $CloudEvaluation is True for both executing an API function and using CloudEvaluate:

With the default setting IncludeDefinitionsTrue, deploying an API function includes all definitions it depends on:

Possible Issues  (3)

Export and response formats are only applied when the API is executed on the web:

When manually building a query to an APIFunction, it is important to apply URLEncode to it:

Note that calling URLExecute with a list of rules will automatically encode the query parameters:

Multiple requests to the same APIFunction are not typically evaluated in the same Wolfram Engine, hence definitions do not persist between requests:

Wolfram Research (2014), APIFunction, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/APIFunction.html (updated 2017).


Wolfram Research (2014), APIFunction, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/APIFunction.html (updated 2017).


Wolfram Language. 2014. "APIFunction." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2017. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/APIFunction.html.


Wolfram Language. (2014). APIFunction. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/APIFunction.html


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