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publish expr to an AR device.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (2)

Deploy a Graphics3D object to an AR device:

Scan the barcode image to visualize on a phone or tablet:

Deploy a map of France:

Scan the barcode image to visualize on a phone or tablet:

Scope  (14)

Graphics  (4)

Deploy a 2D graphics object:

Deploy a Graphics3D object:

Deploy a 3D plot:

Deploy graphics from a file:

Regions  (3)

Deploy a geometric object:

Deploy a mesh region:

Deploy a surface:

GeoPolygons  (2)

Deploy a polygon with GeoPosition:

Deploy a polygon with GeoGridPosition:

Images  (2)

Deploy 2D images:

Deploy 3D images:

Entities  (3)

Deploy a trefoil knot:

Deploy an anatomical skull:

Deploy a map of France:

Options  (1)

TargetSystem  (1)

TargetSystem can be used to specify additional platforms:

Applications  (1)

Basic Applications  (1)

Create a gallery of 3D objects:

Visualize platonic solids:

Visualize Molecules:

Properties & Relations  (1)

Export a 3D object to AR formats such as USD:


Wolfram Research (2023), ARPublish, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ARPublish.html.


Wolfram Research (2023), ARPublish, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ARPublish.html.


Wolfram Language. 2023. "ARPublish." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ARPublish.html.


Wolfram Language. (2023). ARPublish. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ARPublish.html


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_arpublish, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ARPublish}", year="2023", howpublished="\url{https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ARPublish.html}", note=[Accessed: 18-May-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_arpublish, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ARPublish}, year={2023}, url={https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ARPublish.html}, note=[Accessed: 18-May-2024 ]}
