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OpenCLLink allows the Wolfram Language to use the OpenCL parallel computing language. It contains functions that facilitate loading user-defined OpenCL functions into the Wolfram Language. OpenCLLink also integrates OpenCL with existing Wolfram Language development tools, allowing a high degree of automation and control.

OpenCL Platform and Device

$OpenCLPlatform — platform used in OpenCLLink computation

$OpenCLDevice — device used in OpenCLLink computation


OpenCLQ — check whether the system is compatible with OpenCLLink

OpenCLInformation — enumerate OpenCL system information

$OpenCLLinkPath — path to the OpenCLLink application


OpenCLFunction — handle to OpenCL function loaded using OpenCLFunctionLoad

OpenCLFunctionLoad — load OpenCLFunction into the Wolfram Language

OpenCLFunctionInformation — get OpenCLFunction information


OpenCLMemory — handle to OpenCL memory registered using OpenCLMemoryLoad or OpenCLMemoryAllocate

OpenCLMemoryLoad — load Wolfram Language memory into OpenCLLink returning OpenCLMemory

OpenCLMemoryAllocate — allocate memory for OpenCLLink returning OpenCLMemory

OpenCLMemoryGet — copy OpenCLMemory to the Wolfram Language

OpenCLMemoryUnload — unload/delete OpenCLMemory handle

OpenCLMemoryInformation — get OpenCLMemory handle information

OpenCLMemoryCopyToHost — copy OpenCLMemory from GPU to CPU

OpenCLMemoryCopyToDevice — copy OpenCLMemory from CPU to GPU

Symbolic OpenCL

SymbolicOpenCLFunction — symbolic representation of an OpenCL function

SymbolicOpenCLBlockIndex — symbolic representation of a block index OpenCL call

SymbolicOpenCLThreadIndex — symbolic representation of a thread index OpenCL call

SymbolicOpenCLBlockDimension — symbolic representation of a block dimension OpenCL call

SymbolicOpenCLCalculateKernelIndex — symbolic representation of an OpenCL index calculation

SymbolicOpenCLDeclareIndexBlock — symbolic representation of an OpenCL index declaration
